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Forgot My Wooden Stool

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After working 7-1/2 hours at the ISA booth today, I inadvertantly left my wooden stool at the booth when leaving for home this evening. Chalk it up to weariness . . . not to age please!


I understand that Ted P, Mike C, Tim N and Don R are working the booth on Saturday . . . and Mike C, Don R and Dick G on Sunday. I would greatly appreciate my fellow ISA colleague who lives the nearest to Northbrook bringing my stool home and shooting me a PM of your home address where I can retrieve it. It's quite light in weight, so should be no problem carrying. Thank you . . . most appreciative!

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i heard we had a wood stool added to the blowout prize list! L O L rich


Well, Rich . . . I presume the stool would be placed on the $1.00 table instead of the $5.00 table, unless it were to be adorned with a large quantity of your chenille worms.

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