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Here's a pic of my best of several bluegill outtings recently.It's amazing how long some fish can survive out of water. Several of these were not only still alive after better than 45 mins. but still had enuf left to flop around as I arranged them for the pic on my patio.While on many lakes the biggest bluegills often spawn in heavy cover requiring short very accurate casts to avoid hangups on this lake they spawn in open water on shallow gravel bars allowing me to make long 60-70'casts from a floatube with my 6.5' 2wt.Although it's not necssary to make such long casts I've always believed that to become the best caster you can be you should at times "push the envelope".Besides it's fun to battle those big bull gills most of whom are 9" from that distance.Of course ther is a downside to making long casts with a flea rod.The spider's buried in my forearm.It didn't hurt and so I kept fishing.I removed it when I got home by pushing the point up thru the flesh and clipping the barb off with wire cutters.If they're available that's much better than trying to back the hook out wth a mono loop.There's a reason that flyfishermen often wear wide brimmed hats

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I take it you don't like going barbless? I can't see that I've had a problem thus far, though on 70' casts there probably would be one because that's a lot of line to keep tight.


Bluegills on the fly rod are a blast. Wish I had a 2 wt; that must be fun!

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Guest airbornemike

Noth'n wrong with keep'n a few for the pan, thats one tasty look'n mess of gills. Rubber spider with a pheasent tail dropper has been work'n well for me too.

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Nice fish, Ron! Public or private water? I'd consider pinching barbs, and always wear sunglasses.

Public. Sunglasses are good for a # of reasons but it's always been on the forward cast never the backcast that I've been kissed by the fly.A long sleeve shirt helps.Until my casting improved I used to occasionally hit my back and never got stuck.I'd just take the shirt off and remove the fly.If I'd been wearing one this time I doubt I'd've stuck my arm.

I don't use barbless hooks.If it's easier for us to remove them it's likely easier for the fish too and the odds are enuf in their favor fishing( especially flyfishing) being what it is.The only thing I hate more than not hitting any fish is hitting than losing good ones.Bummer.The more powerfiul the rod the less this happens which is the main reason I seldom lose a lmb for which I only use an 8wt as it makes casting big flies easier when sitting at water level in a floatube.As indicated in my 6/08 post I lost 2 in a row only to discover that the fly purchased from A. I. in Palatine had been debarbed.I tossed it along with the others that they'd also debarbed.I might've lost em anyway but at least I removed one variable.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Every fly I have has the barb removed. It's easier on the fish and me. I lose very few fish & attribute that to keeping all slack out of the line after a hookup. If you give 'em any slack, they'll throw the hook.


Just my 2 cents worth.




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It's easier on the fish and me.


And the people around me! Can't be too safe. Thus far I haven't put the hook in anything except rocks, trees and fish.




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Nice catch! I like to fry 'em in butter. The fastest way I've found that works is to scale 'em, gut 'em and then de-head 'em.


I will keep small ones too but for those I simply scale 'em along the back bone and cut out the meat along the back bone..you only get a couple bites per fish but they are boneless...sometimes I will freeze a bag of fish meat and then make fish patties with 'em....mmm....mmmm....mmmm!


What's nice about 'gillin is you can catch them just about anywhere and the're safe to eat...keeping common sense in mind regarding your locaton. They're great to takle when the rivers aren't cooperating...a nearby pond will usually give fast action.

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