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BAD NEWS!!!!!!!

Jonn Graham

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I myself absolutely love Kickapoo State Park near Oakwood. Losing that park, and the others, is a travesty. Absolutely ridiculous!!


Absolute bull crap! I had heard this previously but it hadnt been confirmed. We need to get this govenor out of office before he spends us dry. Oh.....he has already done that. :angry:


The only State Park in the state I use and its gone. What I really dont understand is the rationale of closing a park that is located on the only National Senic Waterway in the state. Does this make any sense???


Does this mean the campgrounds are just closed or are they locking up the entire park?? If they lock up the park will the access at Kickapoo be posted "No Trespassing"????? But I guess there wont be any one around from the state to enforce it because the Conservation Police will be stretched so thin.

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I would think that some of the parks can still be accessed by parking outside the gate and walking in especially anywith river access.


Let's bring back George as soon as he gets out of prison.


Face it! We are on hard economic times. The state can't afford the luxuries of the past. Rod is doing what he can, but the cards are played by King George, GWB. The cards are dealt by GWB. So leave local pols out of it including the one in prison. We need a new dealer.



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on one of the talk shows i heard that blago did this while most politicians were at the convention.thereis still some hope when they get back. rich



Yeah. Did hear about them all "hugging". Probably should get used to it when they are all cell mates...maybe in a year or two. What a barrel of !@#$.

I heard a quote from Blago, yesterday. "I think I'm a great governor." What a tool.


Channahon State Park? there were a zillion people ther last time I was there!

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Several hundred people were at Kickapoo yesterday to protest the closing of the State Park.


The protest was apparently organized by Tod Satterthwaite, former mayor of Urbana, who runs the concession there and has contributed Middle Fork float trips the last 3 years to the Blow-out.


Downstate Democrats are furious over the closing.


Blago must go.

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I would think that some of the parks can still be accessed by parking outside the gate and walking in especially anywith river access.


This was forwarded to me by someone in my bike club Note in bold:



State to lay off 450 and close parks and historic sites



Thursday, August 28, 2008 3:21 PM CDT


By Kurt Erickson



UPDATED 2:20 p.m. SPRINGFIELD -- The Blagojevich administration is planning to lay off more than 450 workers and close nearly two dozen state parks and historic sites, including the David Davis Mansion and Moraine View State Park, in response to the state’s lingering budget impasse.


One union official described the plan as a "bloodbath" that will have wide-ranging effects on the services provided to state taxpayers.


The Department of Children and Family Services will lose 304 workers, while the Department of Human Services will be cut by 73 employees. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources will lose 39 workers and the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency will be cut by 34 employees.


Parks targeted for closure include Moraine View State Park near LeRoy, Hidden Springs State Forest in Shelby County and Weldon Springs State Park in DeWitt County.


Historic sites that will close include the David Davis Mansion in Bloomington, Lincoln Log Cabin near Charleston, the Bryant Cottage in Bement, the Cahokia Courthouse in Cahokia and Bishop Hill.


The cuts hit tree sites in Randolph County -- Fort Kaskaskia, Fort de Chartres and the Pierre Menard Home.


The historic sites will close Oct. 1 while parks will close Nov. 1.


Blagojevich has said the cuts are necessary because the governor slashed $1.4 billion from the state’s spending plan in July. He says the Democrat-controlled legislature wanted to spend more money than the state will receive in the coming fiscal year.


State Sen. Dave Luechtefeld, R-Okawville, said the governor is trying to force the General Assembly to return to Springfield to approve new revenue streams.


’’I know he’s trying to make people feel the pain,’’ Luechtefeld said.


Jonathan Goldman, director of the Illinois Environmental Council, called the cuts ’’utterly appalling.’’


’’The governor is off at the Democratic convention in Denver hugging people. When he returns to Illinois there will be many families needing more than hugs,’’ Goldman said.


DNR spokesman Chris McCloud said park entrances will be locked Nov. 1. People who venture into the parks after that date could be charged with trespassing.

"These aren’t decisions we wanted to make," McCloud said.


The cuts come as other state agencies are grappling with the effects of the governor’s actions.


On Wednesday, Comptroller Dan Hynes said his office was poised to lay off workers. Other statewide officers have imposed hiring freezes and are asking whether some workers want to take early retirement in a bid to trim costs.


Secretary of State Jesse White is mulling whether to close some driver’s license facilities.


Blagojevich also has tied his plan to close Pontiac Correctional Center to the budget impasse.


The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union vowed to fight to keep its workers on the job.


’’Lawmakers should return to Springfield as soon as possible to take whatever action is necessary to fix the budget and stop these cuts,’’ AFSCME Council 31 Executive Director Henry Bayer said.


The cuts at the Department of Natural Resources are troubling to some lawmakers because the agency has already lost scores of workers.


’’It’s obviously unfortunate,’’ said state Rep. Kurt Granberg, D-Carlyle.


Granberg, who is retiring as a lawmaker, said it will be a challenge rebuilding the state park system if money is ever restored to reopen them.


’’It’s going to be a hard road,’’ Granberg said.



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I recall couple of years ago fishing with a club member who stated at that time "With a Democractic Gov coming in we will see some changes" statement was true, our Gov flies back/forth Springfield/Chicago each day as he would not set up residence in mansion provided in Springfield, I believe he stated would interfer with his wifes busniess and daughters education, well the one mil plus it costs to fly him per year on the reurn trips sure does impress the people who are getting laid off and us when we are told there is a money shortage [ my pockets been that way for some considerable time] possible a change may be due, now there is word of a "Daley" member considering running for office.

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Let's bring back George as soon as he gets out of prison.


Face it! We are on hard economic times. The state can't afford the luxuries of the past. Rod is doing what he can, but the cards are played by King George, GWB. The cards are dealt by GWB. So leave local pols out of it including the one in prison. We need a new dealer.


Tell "ROD" to cease commuting each day Chicago/Springfield/Chicago by plane at a cost of approx $1 million per year.

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