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Smallmouth Signs Along the Fox


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Been seeing a few signs in my area. Not sure who put them up, but I saw the ISA logo on them.


The one at the dam in Yorkville is missing a huge chunk out of it. Someone must have got mad after they caught one and realized they couldnt keep it. It def. needs to be replaced. I can make them for real cheap if you guys are interested.


Keep it up guys and good luck this year. It was nice to hear from Don today. Hopefully we can make it out sometime soon.

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Guest Don R



It looked good when we installed it. ;)


I've got one extra sign. Next time I'm down your way I'll replace it. And of course we'll have to wet a line as well.

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As of today, the sign is gone from the C-Ville dam area. It was there learlier this year. Now...gone. Post and all.

Don, if you have anymore,I'd be more than happy to come an get them so I can put them up. I'd actually like a few signs. There are other heavy usage spots along that stretch.

Caught a guy throwing a casting net. Asked him if he was catching fish in it and if he knew it was illegal. He and his partner abruptly left.

I had the help of another smallmouth wader. Never got his name.

Lots of people out fishing and playing today. No fishies. Water high and murky, bluebird sky, and hot.

If it weren't for work I'd still be fishing...Gotta go!


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John, that was me who went to see what those two clowns were doing. If you need a hand posting signs let me know I'd be happy to help. Bill



Nice to have met you (sorta), Bill. That one guy said he was after baitfish. My arse! People like that are out every time I fish on the weekends in that area. If he was catching bait , he wouldn't have vacated so quickly after I said something.


You didn't happen to see the other goof balls in the big inflatable yellow pontoon, did you? They had a tiller motor on the back and tried getting under the bridge. The water under there is very shallow....almost ripped the motor off the thing. They made multiple attempts to get under that bridge from both sides of the island to no avail. I started heckling them after a while because they were acting like complete fools. Pretty soon they left. I'd guess that they didn't have much of a prop left. Needless to say, I wrapped up my fishing for the day. That's why I don't like to fish there on the weekends...It's like a circus.

Scary part is...there was a spawning area right in their path. I think the spawn is wrapping up but, I'm not sure. Don't even know if they were on it or not. Hopefully they didn't do big damage.


Your help would be appreciated with the signs...Just as soon as I can find a couple signs. I'm going to contact a few people and see what I can get. I'll let you know.

Maybe we could get a few more guys involved and have a small unofficial sign posting/cleanup/outing just around that area. Anyone interested???

Don't forget your fishing gear.



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Signs and posts disappearing have long been the bane of this effort. Some guys take them for souviners but they tend to leave the post. For the most part the rest of them disappear because poachers don't want to be reminded they are breaking the law and they don't want the CPO to be able to tell the judge the sign was right there in plain sight. I put up a combo walleye/smallie regulation sign on my flow for the IDNR a few years back. I put them in places the CPO's requested them, a little over half remain in existance.


The strangest reason I got from a guy I caught taking down a sign was that he felt it was telling the world that it was a place to catch smallies at and he didn't want anyone else to know about it. If I told you where it happened you would just shake your head in amzement.Evidently though over the years a lot of folks don't like the sign there as it has prolly been the hardest place to keep a sign where I fish around.


I have always wondered just what in the hell do they do with the sign posts after they take them?

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I ran into a DNR CPO recently that told me they are the best deterrent to poaching/pollution he has ever seen in the state of Illinois, and he's been around for decades.


Your hard work is making a difference, and every outdoors writer worth his salt in this state has covered the program with glowing praise.

Keep it up...the resource deserves it.

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Most definitely , keep it up. Whenever I see someone reading the signs, I make the time to talk to them. 99% of the time it is a very positive feedback and folks are very appreciative of the effort the club makes.


On of the most satisfying experiences was the guy that was complaining to me and a CPO about how the signs, the expaned C&R season, the slot limit and the reduced bag limit was affecting his ability to eat all the smallies and the walleyes that he wanted to. Without missing a beat the CPO told him that he was just the kind of guy he would be keeping his eye on from now on. The look on his face was well worth the time putting up the signs.

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This, from a guy (along with Mark Kasick) that is responsible for posting the majority of the original signs in the Kankakee River watershed.

Your efforts have made a difference, Norm.

I try to update when I can, but it is a daunting task.


All we can do is keep plugging along.

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When I put the other signs with the walleye/bass regs up I did it on the 4th of July. It was amazing and gratifying to see the crowds that the signs drew as they were installed. Couple guys in a couple of different places not only pitched in but give me burgers and pepsi to boot. Most of the people really do appreciate our efforts.

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This, from a guy (along with Mark Kasick) that is responsible for posting the majority of the original signs in the Kankakee River watershed.

Your efforts have made a difference, Norm.

I try to update when I can, but it is a daunting task.


All we can do is keep plugging along.



thank you.


that said...

there was always thought on placement of the signs so as not to disturb the "aura" (groovy, man) I prefer the word "aesthetic" of the place. Always stuck to "aura-free zones" like parking lots, boat ramps etc, areas that see a lot of traffic. Tried to avoid actually putting them on the river, particullarly in scenic areas.

Also we (Eric Moller and I) did considerable lengths of the Dupage around Shorewood and Channahon with consideration not to increase pressure in certain stretches.

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Ein grosse bier bitte


Cervesa Fria Por Favor


Many times when the langauge barrier between the adults is too great, they have thier kids act as translators.

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