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Muskie fly

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I like that one, pretty much a Beauford fly minus the feathers, which is what I was fishing a lot up north. I love the spun head, pushes so much more water. I spin my heads pretty thin so they dont want to float so much, but would still bob a bit on my short pause between strips which is perfect with the sink tip. I like the colors. I fished orange, chartreuse, yellow, olive, etc. Didnt seem to make a huge difference, they would just strike as a reaction the second the fly hit the water. Now if I could only keep one hooked more than a second! Nice flies, happy huntings! Ryan

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I was just talking to a dude I met up north, I need a full sinking setup for a second rod. A lot of guys are using 12wt with wet tip express 450. He says it casts big doubles easier than a 10wt.

I have just started using one rod with a full sinking line in order to get those big, packed deer hair flies down in the water column. Needed on the lakes that I am fishing. Getting into this muskie thing as now I have two ten weights.

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I am guessing the 12 weight would cast the big doubles better. I almost went with a bigger rod when I was deciding which second rod to get. I like my initial 10 weight that I bought (Redington Predator) so much, I figured I would stick with another 10. I settled on the Echo Edge 10 weight with the Echo Ion reel. I must say, though I have only casted it one day, the Echo feels more like an 11 weight to me. Maybe it is the sinking line that makes it feel that way. It is much stiffer (faster) than my REdington Predator 10 weight

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I had the Edge in a 10 for a season John, it was stiff. I cast it probably a half dozen times than put it away. After that I went to the Beulah 10wt which had a similar stiffness, Ryan put a heavier line on the Beulah before the trip and now it casts much nicer. It's all in how you line a lot of these rods.



I am guessing the 12 weight would cast the big doubles better. I almost went with a bigger rod when I was deciding which second rod to get. I like my initial 10 weight that I bought (Redington Predator) so much, I figured I would stick with another 10. I settled on the Echo Edge 10 weight with the Echo Ion reel. I must say, though I have only casted it one day, the Echo feels more like an 11 weight to me. Maybe it is the sinking line that makes it feel that way. It is much stiffer (faster) than my REdington Predator 10 weight

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Just spent 5 hours in a boat casting for muskies. With more practice with my new echo rod I think I will keep it. Got the feel for it with the 350 grain line and I was shooting line quite fine. No muskies to report...................not even a follow............ready to pull the remaining two hairs from the top of my head.

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Hey Jonn, if you get a chance sometime, try a 450 on that rod. Thats what I did with Mike's Beulah, and its a night and day difference. Never used that Echo, but the Beulah is a very fast. I was told by a couple guides up North to try the SA Wet Tip Express 450 grain, and I did. I couldnt be happier with the way it cast, and it could easily be used in a lake setting as well. It gets down quick, but you can control it on the river because you are stripping those flies quick. Its on sale on Amazon for $41, as of a couple days ago anyways. Ryan

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The coating completely came off in about a 1 foot section. My theory is this line gets a serious twist in it after fishing it for a while. The twist occurs in the handling section of the line and kinks at this point compromising the coating and line.

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Intermediate, it's a known issue that the manufacturer and reps I've spoken with are aware of. The fix for the twisting is to every so often blast out a long cast to straighten the line. My line is not the first to come apart, I've chatted with a few guides that related similar issues.

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