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Different Strokes For 2007?

Mike Clifford

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Every Spring we get all pumped up on how we're going to be so much more successful in the coming year. Positive thinking is great- however our downfall is that we generally don't change anything from one season to the next. We simply go out and repeat the steps that we've taken season after season in hopes of positive results. It seems like the season just slips up on us every year without any real preparation, just a lot of anxious talk.


What do you intend to do differently this year?

New tackle you haven't tried before?

New techniques?

Let's hear yours!

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Guest rich mc

two things. i always wanted to fish some new water. to make sure i do it this year i have markedthe calendar already. an isa campout on the rock river is set for july 13.14 15. the other is to use jiggin spoons at shabbona this summer, anyone good with those care to join me? rich

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Hey now......

I was working a white spinnerbait all over the place on Saturday morning.

Creekyknees even asked if I was mimicking you!



He did say you are quite proficient in landing that thing with nary a ripple.

I, on the other hand...well, let's just say I was able to beat the water to a froth and little else came from it.


BUT-I was outdoors, and that's a start....

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I am going to use the fly rod a LOT more this year. I got a lot more confident towards the end of last year, so this year I'm going to kick it up a notch.

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I'm going to rig the yak for fishing. As of now, I don't even have an anchor!! Believe me, it's no fun getting snagged while moving with the flow!!

I have plans to build a cart for it too.

Fish other areas of the Fox. Fish other rivers.

I'm also going to work on finesse which involves patience. Me and patience are not good friends!!

And...I'm going to remember to bring a trash bag with me to pick up the garbage that people leave behind...every little bit helps.

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For the most part last year I had good numbers of fish when I got out, this year I want to target better size fish.


The second thing would be to learn more about our Lake Michigan smallmouth fishing from shoreline. From reading and various other info sources it sounds like the smallmouth population is gaining each year along the Illinois shore. If anyone has any experience with lakefront spots and would care to share please shoot me a PM.

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I guess "FISHING NEW WATER" is always on the list.


I've found a 50+ miles section of a nearby river that lacks easy access and lacks anglers.


There is one angler or several that are going to test this waters.


I guess the other will be testing the waters like IL. & IN.


As for new patterns. I'm going to start crafting my own tackle/gear and trying them on "Stream X"

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