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Learn how to "Gear Up and Head Out" on to the wilderness with free fishing seminars hosted by Paddle and Trail.

"Fishing and Paddling the Sylvania Wilderness " with Mike Donovan.

This will be a clinic for fisherman who have always wanted to do a Wilderness Fishing Trip but don’t know how to go about doing it. Mike has done several fishing trips to the Sylvania Wilderness, located in Northern Wisconsin near Land 'O Lakes. You’ll learn all you need to know to plan your first Wilderness fishing adventure. Preparing and planning your trip; Places to go and permits needed; Gear you’ll need, and how to pack.


When: SAT. March 16, 1:00-2:00 p.m. at the Loves Park store

This is a free clinic, but has limited seating. You must call 815-636-9066 to reserve your spot.



Ok Mike. You passed the test! I just copied what they had on their site. Guess I should have proof read. It's actually in Michigan. If anyone wants to find out more come to the FREE clinic.


I attended the clinic held in Aurora last month and I can say that Mike is very good.Really knows his stuff about canoe camping.Make sure that you check out the helmgramite fly that he ties.


I attended the clinic held in Aurora last month and I can say that Mike is very good.Really knows his stuff about canoe camping.Make sure that you check out the helmgramite fly that he ties.


You could GIVE the clinic.


I know of at least 11 people that are coming. Make sure you call and let them know if you are planning to come so they can make the necessary preparation. Plenty of room so come on out.


The clinic is tomorrow. I hope to see some ISA faces there.

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