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Everything posted by SKollmann

  1. You want smallies, Scott . . . head over to Powerton Lake. Loaded with smallies.
  2. Beautiful, Mike . . . now let us know what star-spangled colors turn out to be attractive to smallies.
  3. One up on you, John . . . now that I finally have a quality vice (Renetti Presentation 4000), I picked up large quantities of fly tying materials at 35% off during the Trout & Grouse annual winter sale last month. I identified all of Joe Cornwall's fly patterns on his website that appeared to be attractive to smallies and armed my fly tying station with materials to tie all of them . . . but first, I just tied a dozen crappie jigs this afternoon in preparation for the Spring crappie bite. Then it's off to tying Joe's smallmouth flies. Still haven't forgotten our Spring canoe floatfishing outing in remembrance of Joe Donato . . . April or May perhaps.
  4. SKollmann


    I have yet to see a photo with you parked in the middle of the Apple on your recently awarded "Stoolie". Surely, you didn't pass up another photo opp!
  5. Last Spring Buzzi Unicem, owner of the cement plant on the Vermilion River (one of the most paddled and best whitewater runs in Illinois), closed the river to paddlers out of fear of liability. State Representative Frank Mautino recently Introduced HB 5296 The Vermilion River Navigability Act which would solve the problem by declaring the closed portion to be navigable and therefore making it public and open. The bill has reached a crucial point and will have a hearing on Tuesday in the House Agriculture and Conservation Committee. It is critical that Committee members hear from large numbers of paddlers. Only emails or phone calls will make it in time. Emails should be short and to the point, such as "I am in favor of HB5296" . . . and give your reason for your support. Urge the Representative to pass this bill through committee. We should all contact all the committee members on or before Monday February 22, 2010, and reiterate this message. Anyone willing to travel to Springfield to give testimony in front of the committee should file a witness slip prior to the hearing if they want to be recognized. A Synopsis of HB5296 Amends the Rivers, Lakes, and Streams Act. Provides that the Vermilion River, from its confluence with the Illinois River upstream to the bridge at 18th Street in LaSalle County, is declared a navigable stream, shall be deemed and held a public right-of-way, and shall remain free, open, and unobstructed, and all laws prohibiting the obstruction of navigable streams shall be deemed applicable to the Vermilion River between the points identified. Attached is a roster of Legislator's Contact Information. Please help us once again to show the power of a unified paddling community. Tom Lindblade President The Illinois Paddling Council (IPC) 2138 Clinton St, Rockford, IL 61103
  6. Hesitate not, Mike . . . I also have a couple fly patterns that call for the addition of spinnerbait skirt material. In response thereto, I just picked up some skirt material at BPS in hopes of tying one particular fly.
  7. Thanks for the referral, Terry . . . in the event I leave my stool at a sport show once again next year, I now know where to locate a replacement.
  8. I AM THE STOOL! Safe at home with Steve . . . see you all again at next year's sport shows. I am "Stoolie" (offspring of THE STOOL). Safe at home with Don . . . see you all again who knows when or where?!? Suggestion . . . considering the number of replies generated on the ISA website regarding my wooden fly tying stool, perhaps we should rename the organization "Illinois Stoolmouth Alliance".
  9. Check it one more time, Mike . . . I noticed the non-access link, deleted it, and reposted what I believe is the correct link. Please confirm.
  10. Nice write-up by Joe Angel in the February edition of Midwest Outdoors addressing the excellent prognosis of fishing at Shabbona Lake this year . . . thanks to the outstanding efforts by Mr. Sands and other in stocking the lake. I'd enjoy being invited to join any groups planning to fish Shabbona this year. Same goes for the Kish.
  11. Believe me, Mike . . . with all the photos of the stool that Don took and shared on our website, I've been enjoying every moment I see a new photo with "Stooly" , including the latest with the moose. I can just imagine the ISA conspiracy that developed during downtimes at the show. If only you could have captured an bikini-clad, ice fishing young lady of the stool. Then again, that may be the next photo Don posts!
  12. Well, Don . . . my wife and I certainly enjoyed your series of "Stooly" photos. Sure wish the Lund boat on which you had it parked was mine! What a novel approach in promoting my wooden fly fishing stool. I could say that's the last show I ever bring my stool to when volunteering my services . . . but considering the fun you undoubtedly had in shooting and posting the various photo opps, I wouldn't want to deprive you the enjoyment. That said, let me assure you that the now infamous "Stooly" will become a regular part of my show accessories in the ISA booth. Just remind me to forget it again next year!
  13. Bummer . . . on Friday evening the entire crew of young women congregated in the booth next to ours. Result . . . all the men walking down the aisle visited their booth and very few visited the ISA booth. Acknowledging the attraction of the ladies next door, I kindly invited a couple to join us in the ISA booth so we could attract show attendees as well, but as expected . . . no one accepted.
  14. Lest my wooden fly tying stool be offered as a raffle prize at the forthcoming Bronzeback Blowout, I look forward to attending the breakfast on the 13th. Much closer than Bollingbrook for sure.
  15. In light of this new charming development coupled with no word of who has my fly tying stool, appears it represents a charitable contribution to the Alliance.
  16. Perhaps a newly priced table, Mike . . . what's a couple ice fishing, bikini clad young ladies run these days?
  17. Have attended one prior "Flies of the ISA" event . . . and am looking forward to attending this year's event. Also looking forward to resumption of the Thursday night Bassbuggers meeting at Anglers International that Stuart leads.
  18. Well, Rich . . . I presume the stool would be placed on the $1.00 table instead of the $5.00 table, unless it were to be adorned with a large quantity of your chenille worms.
  19. Great . . . hope the stool was put to good use by my fellow ISA colleagues manning the ISA booth during the past couple days.
  20. On an equally serious note . . . did any ISA member who worked the Rosemont show on Saturday or today pick up my wooden stool and take it home?!? I certainly hope so. Please advise. Thanks.
  21. Any update on the status of my wooden stool?!?
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