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Everything posted by ronk

  1. ronk

    Fish pics

    Don and Paul Thanks again.I'll give it a try now.Gadzooks,it worked!!
  2. I'llshow up between 11 and noon.
  3. Go to consumer reports website and type in dishwashing detergents in search.
  4. ronk

    Fish pics

    Many thanks for the info Don. I'll print a copy and give it a try{ but knowing myself when it comes to computers it'll probably take me at least 10 tries}
  5. ronk

    Fish pics

    The first camera I had last year given to me as a gift did meet a swift death when I fell while wading Sugar Creek in Indiana.I went to Meier intending to replace it with another Kodak that was on sale as were some Fujis.I wound up getting a Fuji A400 when after telling the salesman what had happened he advised that not only was a waterproof case available but was free with the purchase.Got the camera for only $95 and the $70 case gratis.Some deal! Better yet the case is specific to that model{and to the A500} and doesn't have to be removed to shoot pics. I remove it only to change batteries or transfering pics to the computer.It's waterproof to a depth of 10' and has already saved the camera a cupl times when I've fallen.While it adds bulk to the camera its strap enables me to carry it around my neck with the camera hanging on my back just below the collarbone.While only 4m the camera takes great 4x6pics even in 2m which is what I have used.I've even had several expanded to 6x8 with no discernable loss in quality which I framed and hung on the wall.I'd like to pass on one tip re fish pics.Leave the fish in the water still hooked up and lay the rod on the shore.[ I f the fish doesn't appear to be solidly hooked first remove the hook and rehook him solidly.}The fish will typically quit pulling and relax when he no longer feels being pulled against.This is a tactic used by experienced fishermen when fighting very large unstoppable fish.Both hands are free to ready the camera and you needn't rush knowing that the fish is still in the water in a relaxed state presumably already recovering from the fight.
  6. ronk

    Fish pics

    I find it disconcerting that while we flyfishermen have done many posts re this or that fly there's been nary a report about the fish that were caught with any of those flies?In my case I quit taking pictures of fish when I retired years ago having taken so many as an insurance adjustor when a camera was always handy and when I was constantly developing film for the job. I started taking fish pics again last year when I received a digital camera. I didn't do any posts because being a computer dummy I never learned how to post pics and didn't see the point of a post without corroborating pics.I have however put together an album of most of my better catches this past year and will be bringing it to the Blowout for review if anybody's interested.If nothing else it should show skeptical spinfishermen and would be flyfishers that quality fish of various species can be caught with fly gear.P.S.The pics are date and time stamped and I've noted the river and size of the smallmouth in the border of each pic.
  7. ronk

    fly show on friday

    The most important consideration re catching big fish by far is first to target waters that contain them in good numbers and then to target the spots in those waters most coveted by fish as they will be occupied by the bigger fish.Personally I've done much better on bigger fish on the Dupage and Fox than on the Apple or the Kankakee regardless of the size or types of flies used.Smaller streamers and more stealthy bass bugs such as the Sneaky Pete or the Jude Fly are appropriate on the clear Dupage while the murky Fox calls for bigger, "noisier" flies to get the fishes attention large or small.The size of the forage is also important.If it's large sized than larger flies are called for. If it's small there would be little if any benefit in the bigger flies requiring heavier less sporting rods.The size of flies is also species specific. While fish like Northerns and Muskies with large mouths and gullets seek the largest prey Steelhead are most often pursued using flies that are dwarfed by a large man's thumbnail.What it all comes down to is "When in Rome....."P.S.Sorry, I meant to post this in a topic discussing fly size.
  8. Close enuf to P'field for me to come too.
  9. I own 3 kinds of waders. In the cool weather in Spring or Fall if I'm not going to be too active such as when floatubing I use an inexpensive nonbreathable lightweight wader which costs only a fraction of a breathable($49.95 from Cabelas) and which is less likely to leak as well.In warm weather if I'm going to be active as when wading I use a breathable.Over the years I've had 3 pair of premium breathables and all have beem prone to leak in the crotch.Rather than dealing with these aggravating pinhole leaks I wear a pair of breathable waist highs($99.95 from Cabelas)in lieu of street pants under the chest highs and stay dry despite the leaks.In the really hot weather nothing beats wet wading as long as you're free of cuts or sores.Wet wading is controversial but I've been doing it for over 40 years with no ill effects.Finally, in the cold of early Spring,late Fall or Winter I wear 5mm. stockingfoot neoprenes($59.95 from Cabelas).They're very durable, don't leak,and don't require the hassle of multi-layering to the extant of breathables.I floatubed for Trout well into January this year in low 30 water temps and was never cold.In the long run 3 pair costs no more than 1 since each will last longer when not worn exclusively.You will in fact be $ ahead than if you wore the much more expensive braethables exclusively.
  10. ronk

    Fly Rods

    I also prefer using as light a rod as possible and routinely use a 4wt on the clear Dupage and on the Kank when it's low and clear.However, I find that a murky river like the Fox is best fished with outsize streamers and bassbugs that call more attention to themselves in murky conditions and require a 6or 7wt rod.Using such flies with my 6wt produced good results for me last fall on the Fox for 16-20"smallies.
  11. ronk

    Fly Rods

    While ok for for trout or panfish a 5wt is too light for a beginner to cast the flies most often used for bass.While not necessary for a practiced caster,your 8wt would be better in the beginning.Most smallmouth fishermen use 6 or 7wts.2 piece rods are preferrable unless, as others have already advised, you think you may someday travel by plane.They are still available from mfrs. such as Sage,Fenwick, Orvis,under Cabela's brand name etc. and are transportable in the passenger compartment if not the trunk of even small cars.If you opt for a multi piece choose a 4 not a 3 or 5 piece because for those times when you wish to leave the rod rigged up it can be broken down into 2 equal length sections.
  12. New date's ok with me too.
  13. Since you'll be using a powerful 8wt might as well fish the biggest flies you can comfortably cast hoping they'll attract the bigger fish.The usual assortment of streamers are fine but my first choice especially for early a.m. or evening fishing at that time of year would be bassbugs.My experience is that they catch bigger smallies on average and provide the added thrill of a surface strike. Streamers would be best for northerns however.
  14. Supposed to get really cold next week.Should be safe ice by the 26th.If so I'll be there.
  15. While not my best moment the most memorable was when I got snagged on a shoreline rock while casting a rabbit strip fly.Had to walk right up to it to get it free.Plopped the fly right next to my ankle with just the leader out.As it hit the water the water boiled and the rod started bucking.I figured I'd hit one of those big carp that often are half asleep along the shore on the Fox that you practically step on before they bolt.To my amazement it turned oit to be an 18.5" smallie!
  16. Rich,Since from what I've been told the weed and algae growth is the most egregious in the main Plainfield branch I assumed the kill was there.I haven't fished the west branch in several years.Is it as bad?It couldn't possibly be worse and if it's not as bad and the kill happened there I hate to think what awaits in Plainfield.Conditions are also deteriorating as far downstream as Channahon where while the streambed doesn't allow for quite as much weed growth algae has begun to raise its ugly head in addition increasing weed growth.
  17. Does anyone have any thouguts re Tim Smith's fine albeit distressing article on phosphates in the newsletter especially as regards the imperiled Dupage River? I expressed mine in the Got My Newsletter post
  18. ronk

    Clouser Rod

    As Don R would say "Play nice"
  19. Complement? Do you really think that anyone is naive enuf to believe that your cynical remark was intended as a compliment?If you want to see what a compliment is see my reply in Clouser Rod.Deny it?Why would I deny it?That offer still stands and was in response to your cnce again sinking to a personal level during another back and forth you initiated when as usual you questioned my ability to do as I say.Talk is cheap.Yea or nay,Joseph.By the way that offer together with the other back and forths we had on that subject were made via personal messages we exchanged.You now have shown yourself to be dishonorable as well as petty in making public what was said in confidence.Being an honorable man I won't make public the cynical,paranoid message you just sent re my fly reel post.Doing so would certainly show your "admirers" were you're coming from.Keep up your replies.I'm curious to see what other character flaws they might reveal
  20. ronk

    Clouser Rod

    Anyone looking to be a better caster would do well to contact Miller.He can be a little full of himself(sorry,Mike)but if you can get past that he's a helluva caster and an equally good teacher.
  21. Not at all,Joseph.By now I'm used to your cheeky little snipes. Am actually beginning to look forward to them since each one serves to further illustrate just how petty you can be.Can't help but wonder though why you won't respond to the offer I made early on in our back and forth and repeated in my last post and imagine anyone following this topic is wondering the same.How about an appropriate reply for a change?It need consist of only one word,"yea' or "nay" to my offer.
  22. And now comes a backhanded compliment from on high.Anytime,Joseph,anytime
  23. Sure enuf.....each more inane than the last.Assuming you tied the above fly you're obviously a good tier.Since by your own admission above you're a poor caster perhaps like some others I know you should spend less time at the vice and more time practicing casting.You can be a good flyfisherman without being a good tier but you can't be a good flyfisherman without being a good caster.Good flies can be bought. Good casting skills must be earned.
  24. The comments from the peanut gallery do go on and on each more inane than the last.
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