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Norm M

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Posts posted by Norm M

  1. Nick Carr the owner of the Kankakee River Trading Post right next to the K3 state park is looking for someone to tie flies he can sell in his store. He would like them to be patterns that work well on the Kankakee River.


    If you are interested please call Nick at 815-933-9652

  2. ithe root systems should also help keep softer sediment in place, that can be a big plus.


    pike have also been known to use it.


    on the kankakee in low, clear water the beds are definitely larger and more numerous . In years with higher and more stained water it's still there but not as prevelant.


    I would think that once it gets established it's not going away.

  3. If there is sufficient depth smallmouth will tuck under and use the edges and back for ambush points. There is a lot of it in the state park area of the Kankakee. When it starts breaking free it can be a pita. It can from floating clumps big enough to buckle your knee. I am having fun and games with it, that's most of what makes up the floating weeds in my reports.


    Good for macros, small fish and can be good cover for predators. It is a hassle for fishermen when it starts breaking free and floating.

  4. I've been fishing my river for over 40 years. That spans the year when most of the historic lows were set. I've yet to see a smallmouth die off due to drought conditions. Many of the fish move to predictable spots in both high and low water, that doesn't necessarily mean they are easy to catch.


    Last week I had a day where the fish were eveywhere from shallow slacker spots 6 inches deep out to the main channel. They were all highly aggressive and i had prolly the best numbers day of the year. The last three days fishing the highly predictable spots have seen catch rates in the single digits. I know the fish are there, I fish low light morning and evening and during midday but the results just aren't there.


    I fish this flow over 200 days a year, in as many parts of it as there are to fish. I've been out almost every day during this drought and was out every day in the low water episodes the previous two years, have not seen a smallmouth kill. I believe they are tougher than you posit and are definitely highly adaptable to climatic and environmental conditions.

  5. it was better before the sun came over the treetops this morning. I picked up some refreshments and hit a couple more areas back toward town. One spot got a couple on a fliuke the other got one on a rattlebait. The plan to fish the evening bite went awry but I'll hit it again early and late on Sunday. Miserable being on vacation and having to fish all the time.


    I did run into Mark K and his sons over by the visitors center when I stopped to have a quick chat with the naturalist.

  6. I hope y'all don't bring 8 inches of rain in 12 hours like you did last time. Gary Lange used to bring tornadic blizzards when he came, looks like someone is trying to fill his shoes.


    The fish have been real picky lately on what they are willing to take. Location is a snap. I believe a lot of smallmouth have switched to low light/night feeding. There are still fish chewing in day light many of them small fish in the 12 to 15 inch range.


    I'll likely be moseying round somewhere.

  7. The sad part is, if he had been decent about it, I would have helped him out. Now if he offered two or three Bens.................................................


    Finders fee/ guide fee whatever. I'd move and offer to take my wife out to dinner later. Prolly be enough left to but some rattle baits.


    Any woman who puts up with as much time on the water I put in deserves to get treated right. Which she does, I'm not that dumb.

  8. I was catching some fish when a guy comes up and stands off to the side of me . He is where I could see him but not interfering with the spot I'm fishing. I nod, say howdy and he just stands there. After maybe 40 minutes he finally speaks and asks when I am going to be moving. I asked him why should I move, you can see I'm on fish.He says where he comes from and especially in his family if a true sportsman sees someone waiting to fish that spot, it was customary for the real gentlemen to immediately and graciously leave so the other sportsman can have a chance at some fish. He also told me I was in violation of the five fish rule. I asked what was he talking about. He said that after another showed up and was waiting you were obligated to leave after catching five fish. Once again the custom where he came from and as practiced amongst his family.


    I told him he must have been smoking hash if he thought anyone would buy that line of bull****. He became quite indignant that I would imply he used dangerous narcotics and that he was less than truthful about expected behavior amongst sportsmen. I told him around here sportsmen are expected to find thier own fish and not bother folks with damn fool notions. He replied I wasn't a sportsman or a gentleman. I told him that a true sportsman and gentleman would not expect someone to give up a spot they found just because some yahoo can't find fish on his own. If he needed help, I would have been glad to offer it before he started this nonsense but now he could damn well go hire a guide to help him find fish.


    He left in a huff, telling me I left him no choice but to report my unsportsman like behavior to the authorites.


    Anyone ever hear of this five fish rule ?

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