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Tom L

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Posts posted by Tom L

  1. These are the flies I'm experimenting with. I want a largermouth bass fly that is easy to cast, can be fished thru heavily weeded areas, and can be dropped in pockets of lily pads. It is still in an experimental stage. I'm starting out with something very simple, in this case a wooly bugger with eyes. I tied the bugger on a tube, inserted a 20lbs mono thru the rear of the tube fly, and then tied down the mono at the hook eye. If it works as I had anticipated, then I'll tied them different styles.






  2. Tom,

    do you tie in your marabou the full length of the shank, slide your mylar tubing over the shank and tie it down in the rear and then near the eye of the hook? Then slap on the eyes and cover with glue? Do you have to wrap the shank with anything to keep the mylar tube from collapsing? I've not spent a lot of time working with the stuff and may I ask what size tubing you used.

    Thanks, Rob

    Yes, Rob. Almost exactly as you described, only minor different is that one marabou goes inside the tube and the other goes over the outside to give a more contrasting back. The marabou inside the tube has enough bulk to keep it from collapsing. Also you can fold the excess marabou double over the shank instead of trimming it away to get extra bulk.


    The Mylar that I used was from Cabela's: 1/8", pearl.



    Have fun tying.

  3. M&M, as in Marabou and Mylar tube.


    I was sorting thru a box of old flies and came across one of the unfinished experimental flies with missing eyes. But I ran out of crazy glue to attach the eyes, so I used Clear Cue Glue instead. When the CCG touched the Mylar tube, it turned simmering and translucent. I went "Whoa!!!!! That is pretty cool."


    The fly consists of only 2 plumes of marabou feathers - one for the belly and one for the back - and Mylar tube for the simmering belly. The red spots that you see are just a touch of red marker on the Mylar tube to give a hot spot, a gill, or an injure.






  4. I used to tie them with different variations also. You don't need to adhere to the classic recipe. For the body, you can use silver Tinsel, gold Tinsel, pearl Tinsel, red Flashabou, green Flashabou, or Wapsi Sparkle Braid. For the wing, any combinations of these will work: white/white, white/chart, white/purple, white/brown, white/chart/olive, yellow/yellow, yellow/orange/purple, tan/tan. For the thread, you don't deed to limit yourself to only black. You can substitute the black thread with chart, pink, or red. This will give you a hot-spot on the fly. For better movement when swinging, try substituting Buck-tail with Marabou or Craft-fur.


    Be creative. You will come up with all sort of combinations. Certain combinations will work better in certain waters. Have fun tying...

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