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Just got off the mackinaw and had a very interesting trip. Caught two asian grass carp on topwater. First fish was 1.5lbs and the second was over 10lbs. The big one finally broke my 6lb. test and took my popr with it. These fish hammered the bait like a smallie or a musky. Could not believe it.They did not get snagged or suck it in, rather totally destroyed the bait. I have spent all spring and summer bowfishing these fish in the il. river backwaters but had no idea they would strike a topwater lure so aggressively. Is this common? After the second fish, i realized it must not be a fluke. Anybody else have this happen?

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Just got off the mackinaw and had a very interesting trip. Caught two asian grass carp on topwater. First fish was 1.5lbs and the second was over 10lbs. The big one finally broke my 6lb. test and took my popr with it. These fish hammered the bait like a smallie or a musky. Could not believe it.They did not get snagged or suck it in, rather totally destroyed the bait. I have spent all spring and summer bowfishing these fish in the il. river backwaters but had no idea they would strike a topwater lure so aggressively. Is this common? After the second fish, i realized it must not be a fluke. Anybody else have this happen?

Seanf,I had a 22 pound grasscarp a few years back, on a small black popper,in the Vermilion River. I've also had quite a few in the 5 to ten pound range using a #2 or#3 silver mepps aglia spinner. They also seem to like tinsel flies tied like a clouser. They hit hard and fight like a pike. Lots of fun on spinning or fly equipment.I've been looking for small pods of them and sight fishing them on hot afternoons. John G.

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John, thanks so much for the reply. I was wondering what other lure might work better. The smallmouth here on the mack have not been cooperating much for me the last couple years, so with my love of paddling and fishing, I may have to focus on other species to provide a little action on my floats.

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More than likely what you are catching are grass carp. They are kinda ugly just like an Asian Carp. For some reason grass carp seem to take larger topwater offerings. I and my clients have caught some huge ones on Pop - Rs. The take is so explosive that I usually almost wet myself when they strike.

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They will readily take leaves falling on the surface. Fly fishermen have been catching them on algae green flies in the Tippecanoe from what I've heard.

I doubt they wre leaves.More likely seeds from tree shrubs etc.Some of the best results Ive had were when mulberries were dropping onto the water. The carp practically get drunk on them.They're delicious when ripe.As sweet as blacklberries.On the Fox carp also feed on caddis & can be caught on dry flies just like trout.

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I too had a grass carp bite a top water, jitterbug in my case.


Here is how the story went:


I was fishing a small creek near Ottawa out of my canoe with my GF. We had paddled to the first riffle and I noticed what looked like a musky in the shallow spot before the riffle. When we got close, I confirmed it was a musky. I am not sure how it got there but it was there eating all the creek chubs it wanted. My only thought was it either came down the Fox or it escaped a pond upstream and made it to this creek. After getting too close ( more like almost on top of it), it took off downstream. I decided to make sure and fish all the way back to the truck with a jitterbug in hopes of hooking the big boy. I estimated it around 30 inches. After hooking a 12 inch smallmouth, I made a long cast to an eddy and out of the blue a huge surface busting attack took place. I set the hook and felt the big fish on the other end. I shouted " I got him"!!!!!!! "Baby, I got his (beep)". " How lucky is that"?


After a few minutes and gaining ground, I caught a glimpse of this brute. My eyes could not have been any wider when I realized I didn't hook the musky but rather a 9 or so pound Grass carp. I laughed it off while I worked the fish till I could step out of the canoe and unhook him.

My only conclusion to this rare top water carp bite was a case of mistaken identity. I had never in my years of fishing the local waters seen a carp bite the way it did.

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That could be.


Carpy see Carpy do?


I will be on the little vermillion tomorrow. My brother in law will be using the fly rod, and I will bat clean up with an ultra light and a rebel wee craw.

Hopefully I will have a good report to share.

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Hey guys, thanks for all the responses. The grass carp as i understand differ from the sterile fish that folks stock in their pond. These Grass carp are ,I believe, invasive carp from asia just as the silvers and bigheads are. They are not sterile and are almost as numerous as the bigheads and silvers....... Went to a small creek with my solo canoe today and saw many grassies up this very small creek but no takers on the #1 and #2 mepps I was throwing. Did manage 5 smallies up to 13" though. I think the mack will have to be my carp spot...sadly.

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I doubt they wre leaves.More likely seeds from tree shrubs etc.Some of the best results Ive had were when mulberries were dropping onto the water. The carp practically get drunk on them.They're delicious when ripe.As sweet as blacklberries.On the Fox carp also feed on caddis & can be caught on dry flies just like trout.



Local fly guide said leaves and algae imitators on the Tippey.

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Actually, I do not think it is that rare. While I have never caught a regular carp on a topwater, I have caught numerous grass carp on top with poppers. Something about grass carp.............suppose they are smallmouth wanna bees?

Regular carp will take a small surface fly when they are glubbing scum on the surface. I've seen some big ones taken this way.

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