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Creek Questions

Russ S

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While driving on the new 355 Toll extension I crossed over two creeks between 127 th St and the about 159 th in the Lemont area. The creeks were Fiddyment Creek and Long Run Creek.


I have several questions and they are as follows: (1) are either of these creeks fishable (2) if so what type of fish (3) where are recommended access points.


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Looking at both these of these two creeks, it appears they empty into the I&M canal in Lockport. They are not listed in the Illinois Fishing Guide as streams of any significance and are rather short in their runs. I wouldn't expect much here. But, using an Illinois Gazeteer for access points have a look and see what you can find out. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Good luck!


Mark O'Donnell

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Russ ,


I've explored a lot of small creeks over the years . It's hard to judge by looking at them in only one place especially at 65 MPH . Mostly I have found that until you actually fish them it's hard to say what you'll find .


You prolly won't get too many replies yea or nay on a open forum but more likely to hear from someone in a PM . I've always thought that it was more fun to get some exploring in on my own as you go in without ant preconcived notions .You should try to explore at least a couple different stretches as with any flow some stretches are better than others .

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Mark and Norm thanks for the info appreciate it.


Norm, my son really enjoyed talking with you and Bob Long at the Blowout. He said you gave him some pointers he wants to try out and hopefully can break his 3K jinx. Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge of the river with him and hope to see on the water.



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Russ ,


He's a good kid , knows how to ask good questions too . It was a pleasure talking to him , hopefully what Bob and I told him helps him out .

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