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Central IL Bassbuggers Fly Tying Event - March 19th

Rob G

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The final Central Illinois Bassbugger fly tying gathering for 2017 will be on March 19th, Sunday at 1 PM. It will be held at the usual location, Bloomington, IL Fire Station #2. More information to come as we draw closer so please check back. Again, if you have any questions or ideas that you would like to share, please feel free to contact me here at the ISA forums.
Thanks again,
Rob G.

March 19th, Sunday, 1-4 PM

Firestation # 2

1911 Hamilton Rd, Bloomington, IL 61704

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Supposed the lack of response is no one has any ideas, not interested, or just chomping at the bit for fishing weather to get here (for those of us who aren't cold weather fans)?

My latest Fly Tyer magazine has a couple of ideas I might like to try, but need to find a wine bottle with an aluminum seal.

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Another fine group showed up and we played with several different patterns and techniques. Then afterwards, several of us found a nearby watering hole of a different nature, this one was large enough that we could fish in and we did. A few small greenies and some panfish were willing participants on the chilly day. A nice time for sure with nice people.


Though we may not have any more official fly tying gatherings, we will have some fishing outings as the weather continues to warm up so look for future events for the Central IL Bassbuggers.

Rob G.

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