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#10 Barrel Swivel/

Mark K

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So, when I throw poppers, and bigger divers for whatever reason i get horrible line twist. Never imagined I could get line twist with a fly rod...but then again I also never imagined I could tie a knot in my leader in mid air. I am not sure how common line twist is with a fly rod but it's a given if I am throwing a bigger popper.

I read on these boards...somewhere.. someone posted (I think Ron K.) about using tiny barrel swivel. Spro makes them and you can buy them online or at Gander Mountain. BPS does not carry them, I am fairly sure that Cabelas in Hammond has them. So I tied one on at the end of an 8ft, 12lb leader then a foot long tippet of 12lb fluorocarbon (the only 12lb line I had on hand). I threw the bigger Boogle Bug, on my 8wt for a couple of hours and got absolutely ZERO line twist.

Insert Halelluia Choir!

I think it was sinking my popper a tad but the fluorocarbon probably contributed to that and... whatever it worked fine, not an issue and probably an advantage with a lot of flies. I am hoping to introduce Kankakee river smallies to the Jude bug this weekend.

I fished a darn good pond with my older boy, who was spin fishing. He killed them, I mean killed them with gulp helgies on a tiny jig under a tiny bobber...er ah...strike indicator. :-) I got nice gill, and two dink largies. Nothing was big enough to post a pic of.

The gills would not leave my popper alone, it was just too big.

We both had a pretty good time.


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Been there and done that. Several of my streamers that I tie with intended rock and roll movement do tend to twist my leader. Since I tie my own leaders I always make a few with that exact same SPRO size 10 swivel attached between my 20 lb piece of mono and my 10 lb tippet. In my search for the smallest swivel that is available, I found that sizing of swivels is quite arbitrary and one manufacturer's size 10 might be smaller than someone else's size 12 so don't order from a catalog based on sizing numbers. If someone can locate a swivel smaller than that the SPRO size 10, please let me know.

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