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poisin ivy

Kevin Dells

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So this must be my year to have the ivy itch! I have been fishing the rivers for years and have never even gotten a scracth of this stuff.


This year iv'e been out twice and one of the trips i come home with a severe case of it starting at my pants line and traveling all the way up to half my back.


Are there any old remedies for this or is a 50 dollar trip to see the doc in my forecast?


Any suggestions guys,this is bad!


I can see im going to have to wear raingear all summer because im not stopping fishing!

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I'd go breathable chest waders


Paul's got the plan here.


On a sampling crew, you're up and down the banks dozens of times in a day and the exposures to poison ivy are extreme. We'd just keep our waders on all day. The people who were badly allergic might get a bit on their arms from time to time, but we had no bad exposures.


In some ways, we wore the waders more because of the plants on the bank than the water in the stream.

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So this must be my year to have the ivy itch! I have been fishing the rivers for years and have never even gotten a scracth of this stuff.


This year iv'e been out twice and one of the trips i come home with a severe case of it starting at my pants line and traveling all the way up to half my back.


Are there any old remedies for this or is a 50 dollar trip to see the doc in my forecast?


Any suggestions guys,this is bad!


I can see im going to have to wear raingear all summer because im not stopping fishing!

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Been there done that, it's slowly working. I didn't even think poison Ivy would be up so early,jeez were just getting grass this week.


I ticks me off because for years i could roll around in it and never had a problem but from what i hear your body does become subcepptable to it off and on through out life.


Saving pennies for the breathables against my will, i hate wearing waders!


Thanks for the reply's guys

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Guest Mark P

Hey look at the bright side, at least you didn't take a dump in the woods and wipe your crack with it. I know a guy who did that and it put him in the hospital. :lol::o

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Guest Don R
Hey look at the bright side, at least you didn't take a dump in the woods and wipe your crack with it. I know a guy who did that and it put him in the hospital. :lol::o


Funny you should mention that... I also know a guy that did the same thing! This guy was put on steriods to help remedy the situation :blink:

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Contact with sap can be one of the most potent exposures, that and smoke from burning it- did that clearing brush from a fenceline as a teen on the farm. Woke up the next day with swollen eyes and blisters all over. Leaves need not be present at all to get it and early spring the sap is rising in all the trees.

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My American Indian remedy for poison ivy works like a charm every time.

Assuming you are near water; when you realize you have it (usually moments after walking thru it) get muddy. REAL muddy. Use river mud to coat the area. Let it dry. When the mud dries it draws away the oils from the plant, which is what causes the itch/burn. After mud has completely dried like cement, wash it off in the water. Done. No more poison ivy.

Works every.single.time.

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Another old remedy is rubbing Jewel Weed on it. Reduces the itching for several hours. Also very hot water for a few minutes will intensivy the itching for about 30 seconds then the itching subsides. Just log enough to get to sleep at night.

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Also very hot water for a few minutes will intensivy the itching for about 30 seconds then the itching subsides.


Q: Why would you try to aggravate an otherwise already unfortunate situation by adding hot water to it?


A: Because it feels so good when I stop




Contact with sap can be one of the most potent exposures, that and smoke from burning it-

Tried smoking it one time at a college party.

Didn't inhale, but ohhhh.... the aftertaste!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Try this. Worked for me. got in dekalb - Medicine Shopp.




Well it's finally gone wether or not it was poisin Ivy. Took three baths in Aveeno Oatmeal solution three straight day in a row and bam it's gone! Up until that point not a whole lot was touching it.


Thanks guys for all the reply's!

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