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UV Materials?

Mike G

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So I already have a closet full of materials from colorful to drab. Along comes a new fad in materials--UV dyed everything. UV Polar Chenille is the rage. Do I have to build another closet?


I found this article informative.http://midcurrent.com/flies/shining-a-light-on-uv-materials/?utm_source=MidCurrent+Fly+Fishing+Email+Newsletter&utm_campaign=425344ec8d-Newsletter_August_28_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_8efbf3b958-425344ec8d-18956357


Anyone trying the new UV materials?

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Nice article. Thanks for sharing.


I've been using UV enhanced materials for steelhead flies for many years now. They do work better than non UV materials on steelhead, but have not tried on SMB yet. However, white, chart, and fl yellow craft furs and marabous which are naturally UV have been working well on SMB for me.

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Guest rich mc

mike was first to start playing with the eyelash yarn. lately I have tied a variation of the Shannon streamer with uv chenille and gilt eyelash I have found no difference in hits or catch rates taking turns at pond bass and big gills both are working very well. rich mc

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mike was first to start playing with the eyelash yarn. lately I have tied a variation of the Shannon streamer with uv chenille and gilt eyelash I have found no difference in hits or catch rates taking turns at pond bass and big gills both are working very well. rich mc


For the record,Terry introduced me to Yarnbee Gilt Eyelash some time back. I traded him some Bohemian Chenille to get some of his Sparkly Stuff. Of course rich first showed me the Bohemian Chenille. Craig showed us how to use worm rattles, sili skirt strips, and "ringers." And the list goes on... Of course Distinctive has some UV stuff now. Just in time for FnF season.



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here is a scholarly work on the subject written by a fellow bamboo rodmaker. timothy troester


So in a nutshell, what does the scholar say?

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fish see things different than we see; color movement frequency


So in your opinion or the scholar's opinion, should I invest in UV reactive or UV reflective materials with the hope that flies made using such materials will catch more Smallmouth Bass than standard dyed materials, all other things being equal?

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Guest rich mc

speaking of eyelash yarn I picked up some martha stewart glitter eyelash today 5.99 for 38yards the length of the eyelash is shorter than the yarn bee gilt eyelash which is about 120 yards . the polar chenille is a full 1 inch long. I was at michaels today and purchased the gilt at hobby lobby. rich mc

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i think the addition of the materials will effect what the fish see more than us. i suggest you do what i have done. i add a little material to the patterns i tye. see what happens, lateral lines and fins. the gist of the book is not selling new materials but how to understand what the fish are seeing and beable to use that information in the materials and construction of the fly. common materials are visable to fish. some that are bright to me and you are drab and visa-versa. i just mentioned the book because if there are those intrested. it is a good read.

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speaking of eyelash yarn I picked up some martha stewart glitter eyelash today 5.99 for 38yards the length of the eyelash is shorter than the yarn bee gilt eyelash which is about 120 yards . the polar chenille is a full 1 inch long. I was at michaels today and purchased the gilt at hobby lobby. rich mc


I just got some MS too. It is a smaller skein and the fibers are shorter as you note. So I Don't see much to recommend it so far. Did you check it under UV light?

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i think the addition of the materials will effect what the fish see more than us. i suggest you do what i have done. i add a little material to the patterns i tye. see what happens, lateral lines and fins. the gist of the book is not selling new materials but how to understand what the fish are seeing and beable to use that information in the materials and construction of the fly. common materials are visable to fish. some that are bright to me and you are drab and visa-versa. i just mentioned the book because if there are those intrested. it is a good read.


After all that are you catching more fish or bigger fish? This can be subjective. Do you think it gives you an edge over the guys who think UV is a school out east?

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Guest rich mc

University of Vegas is out west !!! good point about adding some uv to the fly since the uv is the longest to would make a better tail section . I have furled the polar and eyelash material for the tail. it gives a great swimming action. I could see adding that to a clouser . rich mc

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That is UNLV, Rich. Good point about the furled UV Polar Chenille. I saw it in that video you pointed me to. Remember you introduced us to furling at the Ang101 Fly Event on the day you turned 50. Here's the Polar Express with the furled tail.





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Mike or Rich,

in the video, have any idea why he ties his barbell eyes in on the side of the shank that carries the bend and barb and not on top as in typical Clouser fashion so as to get the point to ride hook up? Yep, have to get my hands on some of this stuff.

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Mike or Rich,

in the video, have any idea why he ties his barbell eyes in on the side of the shank that carries the bend and barb and not on top as in typical Clouser fashion so as to get the point to ride hook up? Yep, have to get my hands on some of this stuff.


Hook on wrong side? Rich can give you his take. I think it is a trout thing. Trout guys seem to like flies that ride barb down and seldom use weed guards.


Get some? Are you talking about the chenille or UV material or both. The polar chenille appeared more recently though we have been using its craft cousin, "eyelash," for some time. The materials are very similar. Here's the difference. You get 3 yards of fly tying material for $3. You get 125 yards of craft eyelash for $7. (A 2000% markup). So for basic colors I get some skeins of eyelash and swap with guys who have other colors. Like this,


"I have Yarnbee Gilt Eyelash in Lime (Chartreuse) and Ruby Red. I will swap in ten yard increments, one for one, for White (Twinkle) or Gold. PM me. "


To get your starter supply go to: http://shop.hobbylobby.com/search/?keyword=gilt%20eyelash&perpage=12&match=AND&F_Sort=2

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Guest rich mc

at hobby lobby yesterday they had many colors to choose from . 3 shades of gold.3 of silver. I picked the gold black,copper,blend . have they come out with a uv marking pen yet? rich mc

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Thanks Mike,

Rich had sent me some of the Glit and a couple sample flies, and I was over in Champaign yesterday at the Hobby Lobby looking at all the different shades.


Let me know if you are up for a swap. If I were buying skeins, I would get basics like white, black, silver, gold, and copper first. Anyone else want to swap?

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  • 2 weeks later...

There have been many great posts in this thread in and around UV materials. It took me some time to digest what was being said. This emerged. There are two kinds of UV materials or colors-UV reactive and UV reflective. We are all familiar with seeing reactive materials. Their pigments react giving off light in wavelengths we can see when hit with a black light. What we see is not UV light. It is light in the visible spectrum. I assume that most of the UV materials sold for use in flies are reactive. The interesting question that remains is, "What about purely UV reflective materials?" Where can we get them? Since we cannot see the UV light they reflect, how do we know that they do? OK, it says so on the label. Say I Don't believe everything I read...

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back to the eylash yarn I have about 6 colors . so far the yarn bee twinkle that is white and silver is the best, second is iced gold. they take markers very well so just color them as needed. that covers the shad and any river chub or minnow. rich mc

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