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Mike G

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Posts posted by Mike G

  1. Mike,


    I appreciate your courage in taking on the vast MS backwaters. Since you can't explore everything paddling a canoe, Maps come to mind. I understand that the MS has a lot of navigational charts for you to work with. (consider a guide too.) The point is that 10% of the water holds 90% of the fish. That is a lot of backwater to eliminate. Some backwaters are subject to migration and are fishless other times of the year. Some are big enough to function as year round lakes.


    F+L+P=S according to da Lindners. (Fish+Location+Presentation=Success.) Guys here are giving you tips on Presentation, however, I think cracking the code on Location is what you should key on given the seasonal and daily migrations of Largemouths. There are volumes on this. It sounds like a lot of work ahead, but is should pay off in green gold.

  2. Thanks Ron,


    It is good to hear of reasonably priced reels that perform well. As noted in some of the reviews and comments, this one is similar to the Wind River from Cabelas. I have been using three WRs and find them dependable for the Bass I pursue. In comparison, the Piscifun comes in a cool gold finish and offers spare spools. The WR has a tapered arbor if that makes a difference. Both seem to get the job done.



    Wind River

  3. SonofSanJuan.jpg


    The repartee with Rob is more than just a pastime. As rob noted it stimulates creativity. It is a mental fertilizer.


    The original SOSJ (Son of San Juan) was a little small for my fishing style at #20. Yet it did show a nice springiness in the video demo reminding me of the wack fly. Since I had some live rubber skirt material, I went ahead and produced some lager versions on 10, 8 and 6 hooks. the longest in the picture is 5 inches. In tub tests they have a nice wacky action since the long front antenna turns the fly sideways-no need to tie materials at 90 degs to hook shank.


    The round rubber comes in strips about 1.25 in wide with about 40 individual strands bonded together in the strip. I put a tight knot at the end of the multistrand strip that I separated from the roll. These little Wackies are not beauty contest winners, but they look like they will catch fish like the original San Juan.

  4. Like Babe Ruth calling out his home run beforehand, I'm declaring this to be one sweet fly and if it ever stops pouring down here, I might just sneak out and see what it can produce


    Oh ye of little faith.






    Now I have seen a licorice fly.


    Thanks Rob

  5. TRD is a good one. I found videos and articles on the net about 2 years ago. I first used about half a Senko on a 1/16 ball head jig that had a big hook. I found that a lizard with legs and tail trimmed off also works if you want a body with more shape to it. Last year the Zmen got into it with specialized worms and mushroom jigs. I use their TRD with a weedless mushroom head from Arkie.


    I noted that Eric has been doing the same thing fishing a 3 inch Senko on a Sledhead jig.


    "New" this year for me will be working articulated streamers on a sinking fly line. I will see if Kelly Galloup's system works for bass as it does for trout. I also expect that a good lure will volunteer itself. Last year I found a Van Dam square bill floating in the shallows. It worked very well early season till the weeds got too thick.


    BTW The TRD has big cousins-PHis Stix, Reel Magics, and Money Hounds that look like this.




    About 4" long. http://www.sightfishing.com/cotee.htm


    It is a tube without the tentacles. Less is more.

  6. I heard a fireside chat.

    I saw a baseball bat.

    I seen a hurocane close its eye.

    But I think i've seen about everything

    When I see an licorice fly.




    My bad for not hearing out your line of thought. I will allow that any day, a Texas Rigged Twizler or a Twizler Trailer on a swim jig might be the bait that fills your live well. But I am not sure that a Twizler Muddler will hold up to the yin-yang of fly fishing. You rightly imply that we should add the scent - not necessarily using the material. We know that anise is a favorite in recipes for soft plastics. (Cooks say you can substitute Taragon.)


    That opens another can of worms. Like, how do we add the anise scent to a fly? Where can I buy anise chenille? There is a caution before we go into that. Remember that, among fly fishing purists, scented flies have a bad odor.


    Just my two cents.

  7. I wonder if a piece of red string licorice would suffice, if they won't hit it, I'm sure I would eat it


    I seen a horse fly.

    I seen a dragon Fly.

    I seen a house fly, O Yeah.


    I saw a peanut stand.

    I heard a rubber band.

    I seen a needle wink its eye.

    But I think I'd seen about everything,

    when I see a licorice fly.


    O Yeah, I saw a back porch swing.

    I heard a diamond ring.

    It made me laugh so that I cried.

    But I think I'd seen about everything,

    when I see a licorice fly.


    OOOO YYYeeeaaahhh, wwhhhheeeen, IIIII ssseeeee a lic--or--ice fly-eye.

  8. May I ask, what would be the benefit of using a cotter pin?




    Cotter pins a re a good way to add weight without wrapping lead on the hook shank.


    The dangling stinger hook gives the fish less leverage for throwing the hook than there is on along shank hook.


    Adaptable to many other streamer designs besides these bunnies.




    My big one is that it puts the only hook too far back. Usually fish take the baitfish, that streamers immitate, head on. I want a hook there.


    PS I think it is no coincidence that my nephew sent me a link to this article on the same day that Rob "welcomed Cotter back." Though I do not think Rob is an extreme case, it is nice to know that they have a diagnosis for the condition. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160308-the-curse-of-the-people-who-cant-stop-making-puns


    PS2 My name is Mike and I an a recovering Witzelsuchter.

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