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Norm M

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Posts posted by Norm M

  1. If it all possible I need some photos of the Kankakee River for a K3 Roundtable project. I do have some but I would like to offer up a wider selection. We are especially interested in shots from Warner Bridge, around Rock Creek[especially with the bluffs] and of course fishermen. Someone holding or catching a fish would ne helpful.


    I need them by next Tuesday morning, please e-mail to Mtcraftybass@aol.com



    Yes, I know it's ironic, the guy with the camera taboo looking for pictues. Feel free to make whatever comments you like on this scenario, but send pictures.

  2. Where ever Eric is fishing there's a girl walking around without a brassiere. :blink:


    Shoot, I actually caught a big red lacy bra outta my river, I think it was last winter. I would have been happy to have returned it to the unfortunate lass.



    Alas, there was no lass.

  3. One thing I learned, a few years back when I spent more time chasing flatheads,changed my approach for smallies. I found that the large artificials I was using for cats were catching very large smallies at a rate I wasn't used to. Throwing small lures catches more fish, and some can be fairly nice sized. Throwing larger lures will cut the total catch down but I can expect a few 20 inchers a year throwing them.

    Big, fat, dumb, slow, eat me. That's why you'll find very large cranks and plastics in my stuff.

  4. I've made it a point for years to check the guages before I go out to fish. After you do that enough times for a particular flow, you can pretty much know where you should be fishing for that flow rate on that river at that time of the year.


    I've never found it to be to high or to low to find a place to fish. The fish adapt and so do I. The biggest concern in high water is safety. In low water, you can expect the fish to hold any where they want to, high water concentrates them in much more predictable areas. Of course knowing where they are and catching some can be completely different creatues altogether.

  5. I try to remember the how and why I caught fish but that is mentally recorded, not on paper.


    I kept track of how many fish I caught on rattlebaits in fast water this year until I decided that once you get to a thousand fish on a particular pattern it's well past the point of validating that pattern, so I quit counting. Actually very far past the point.

  6. take a old thin wood stick float replace the spring with silicone tube. use the chenille/marabou crappie jigs, small tube jigs or even pinkie jigs. i use the same rod/reel line i do for everything else. generally want it off the bottom so let water depth and fish determine how much line below the float.


    sacreligious to the f-n-f faithful but it's cheap, you ain't afraid to toss it into anything and it works.


    if you dig creating your own stuff and catching fish on it , cool. it's not necessary but it's always a groove to catch on your own creation.

  7. Shoot, back when I was single and footloose, I was doing my best to fish any stream that I thought might have smallies. It was a lot different back then, politely asking a farmer for permission generally did the trick and at times a call to his neighbor to get permission for me to keep going. Now, it's different with lots of the farms now subdivided. I've had folks threatened to call the cops on me for coming up thier drive to simply ask permission.


    Lord, some of the notes I scribbled on my maps from back then.


    I'll be checking out the book.

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