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Norm M

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Posts posted by Norm M

  1. At 430 PM on Monday 1-31, I'll be making an appearance on Dale Bowman's radio show OUTSIDE. It airs on 91.1 FM but it the range doesn't extend past I-80. You can catch a podcast by going to www.wkccradio.org Select programs at the top left and scroll down and select Outside. The link will be there.


    This will be week 5 and I believe you can go back and catch past shows. You can also look for an announcement in Dale's blog at the Sun Times. He generally runs a photo, mine will be suitable for saving to haunt houses come Halloween.

  2. I've fished with a guy named Norm Minas a few times on the Kankakee.

    You may have heard of him.

    Only photos I have are of he and his kid working for the sake of the river, not fishing.


    Those are my favorite type of photos, everyone has fishing pictures. Well, except for those who don't carry cameras.

  3. You mean this Norm Minas? This is a rare photo of him with one of the many 20 plus inch fish he catches every year.



    I knew that picture would turn up again. Caught on a tube out of a weed patch where I saw a distrubance. I caught the biggest carp in my life on a tube a year or two ago., hmmm................. is this a pattern?


    If I remember right Joz took that photo, Bob Putrich may have been there, some sort of officer's meeting.

  4. I saw one flying over Lake Summerset yesterday at 4:00 P. While the Illinois river is where we expect to see eagles, it seems that this year we are seeing them in many other places. Does anyone know why?

    They got the band back together and are on a mission from God?


    I would think it's because their numbers are expanding and are looking for new range.

  5. The closest thing to a celebrity fisherman that I've talked to would be Ted Peck. He was fairly local for a while, then he branched out and got a few tv spots. He used to fish the BassHawgs tournaments on the Rock every year too. I have also met a celebrity that fishes and that's John Mahone. I met him in Delavin on my way to launch. He was heading out with someone I didn't recognize but we talked for a few minutes. He's the dad from the show Frasier by the way. By Martin brothers do you mean Rolands boys Scott and his brother? And the Lindners, man that's awesome.

    No it was Bobby Martin and his brother whose name escapes in my dotage. They were involved in the fishing college thing yea long ago that was held at the school in Terre Huate His brothers name will pop back into memory at some odd moment. I donated the manual I got there to the local high school fishing team or I'd just look in there.

  6. I don't want to hijack the other thread so I thought I'd start a new one about fishing celebs you've spent time with at shows or elsewhere, like eric riding the train with Mike Norris.


    One of the first was George Liddle Jr a BASS tourney guy and now on North American Fisherman. His father George Liddle Sr was a well respected and known figure on the local fishing scene as well. We used to hang out at thier cottage in Sumava Resorts fishing, playing cards and sipping brews.


    I used to do what I could when I was younger to get into shows as a vendor so I could meet the big guys. If that didn't work, I'd suggest lunch/dinner/beers to spend a little time with them. Over the years I got to spend some quality time with folks like Buck Perry, Spence Petros, Al Lindner, Dan Sura, Gary Roach, the Martin brothers[at the fishing college in Terre haute] and of course my guru Dan Gapen.There were other lesser lights as well. The point is most of these are are good people, who, when they have the time are willing to talk to you.


    Shoot Al Lindner took the time to chat with my soon to be wife at one of the shows. He also wanted my InFish cap as he said it was the most disreputable hat he had ever seen[yes Jim worse than those shirts I used to wear]. I offered to give it to him and take him fishing as well. He said he didn't have the time but I did get a free hat as well as keeping the moldy oldy as well. One other thing with Al was that I'd generally get in one at best two questions and he would be off to the races. you never knew where the answer would end up but I always learned something.


    Be polite and considerate and you never know.

  7. I don' remember. But the same sale flyer had all inflateable rafts and kayaks slashed 35%.

    You just don't get that good ole work ethic any more, buncha slackers with dull knives and yet they want the full time comp package.

  8. I spent most of my day off Tuesday monitoring 4 different areas, from the site of the spill down into the state park. I made my last check about 4PM and had seen no obvious signs of fish or wildlife in distress or dead. That doesn't mean none occurred, just that I saw none in the places and times I checked. I do worry about the long term effects on benthic macro inverts, crustaceans, clams and vegetation downstream from the site. I also saw no containment devices downstream from the site. Dilution is the best solution? Pray for rain/snowmelt this weekend to flush it out? I hope there is more than that but I wouldn't be surprised it there is not.


    Amazingly they let folks use the sledding hill right next to the plant yesterday and there was no one keeping me from walking the bike path that runs between the river and the plant. My guess is that is a sign that officials don't think it presents a public health hazard. I did not see any type of "official folk or vehicles" while running up and down the river yesterday. Of course, it possible we passed each other or they were there when I was doing other things I had to do.


    I truely hope that the spill was much smaller than originally reported. One good sign was I saw hundreds of ducks on the river below the sewage plant discharge area.

  9. There was an explosion at the sewer treatment plant on the Kankakee river this morning. it was reported that an estimated 1.5 million gallons of sludge was released into the Kankakee river before it was contained.


    I'm sure the cold water, the large amounts of shoreline ice surrounding the open water portions and the total ice cover in other parts of the river will hamper efforts to do anything with the sludge.I have not heard of any plan so far to deal with the sludge in the water.


    For those that don't know the treatment plant is a few miles upstream of the state park. the river is totally ice covered upstream of Warner bridge and down thru the lower end of the state park.


    I fear that the sludge may deplete oxygen in the water. That combined with the cold water already stressing fish could make for a large fish kill.

  10. Mine didn't get up until after 10.


    Believe it or not I was out with a digital camera taking pictures of the winter scenery while they slept.


    Our Christmas gift was that my Father in Law should recover from the stroke he had Monday. All else pales.

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