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Jonn Graham

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Posts posted by Jonn Graham

  1. Here is a pic of a pin I had made for my guiding business. They are made by a company down in Effingham. They have pins and decals for fishing and hunting.





    I plan to get some custom pins done with some of my pictures of my biggest smallies on the pin...............kinda neat I think.

  2. Been burning the midnight oil of late working on my skill at building crease flys. I feel I have made a few strides. I was able to take one out on Saturday and give it a test run. It worked beautifully!!! It sat perfectly in the water and popped and dove slightly under the water when stripped. Yipee!! Here is a picture of a few of my new models:








    As you can see, I am making them in different sizes and color shemes. That foam with the glitter already on it, is a godsend.

  3. The five minute epoxy by the company, Devcon, does not seem to yellow. But I will keep an eye on it. Later today I hope to post a new picture of my newest crease flys. They look MUCH BETTER than my first batch. In addition, I am now making them in different sizes thanks to Scott F.'s donation of hooks.

  4. Joe:


    I think I am leaning towards your school of thought. I like to experiment as well. Tie up an idea and take the fly to the water and test it out. To me that is just pure fun! I like to throw out covential rules and principles and just tye what I think "might" work. I am so new to fly fishing that I will try anything.

  5. I got my foam from Wal Mart as well. Yesterday I went back to Wal Mart and found 2 mm foam with a sticky back AND covered with glitter. Got a variety pack of about six colors.........all with glitter. Really made my lunch hour when I found this stuff :P


    Here is what I came up with last night with the new foam:




    The top crease fly has a base of pearl sparkle foam and I added a few touches with the sharpie marker


    Now, the bottom fly, which I thought came out perfectly, has a rattle shoved inside the foam and sealed in with epoxy.


    By the way, all of the crease flys I have made have had at least one coat of five minute epoxy.


    I am going to try and hit some open water this weekend, just to see how these flies react in the water.



    Hey, this fly tying thing is fun. :rolleyes:

  6. Here are a couple of pics of the lanyard I made yesterday:








    The clip at the very bottom of the lanyard is there to clip the lanyard to your shirt so as to stop the lanyard from leaning out when the angler is bending over.


    Of course, those are snap swivels........four of them altogether


    Those black cylindrical pieces towards the top are neoprene/foam. Those are there to hold a few flies and/or dry flies after use.


    The top neck strap is made from the same material as the fly holders.


    The whole strap is made of leather. The beads are just cheapies from Wal Mart.


    I have another one in the works using a different material.


    Loads of fun making these. Matter of fact, last night, my kids got a kick out of making their own lanyard.

  7. It will probably be a long winter for a newbie fly fisherman that is totally obsessed. I need to read some books. I have a couple of smallmouth fly fishing books (Holschlag's, Turtilliane's, and Cornwall's), but I am looking for more. Especially would like to read the one by Bob Clouser and Harry Murray.


    Anyone out there want to sell a used copy, let me borrow it, or trade for some jigs??? Let me know.

  8. We will hold our first winter meeting this Friday night at Gander Mtn. at 6:00 PM. I was not able to book a speaker for this first meeting, but thought we might use all in attendance as guest speakers. Here is my plan:


    Each person in attendance will talk about their best smallmouth trip in 2008. We do not need to know locations, just if it was on a river, what baits worked, any big fish, etc. Secondly, tell us about a trip or two you plan to do in 2009.



    When this is done, the meeting will adjourn and many of us will head to a local watering hole and/or restaurant. Hope to see you there.

  9. Been researching and thinking quite a bit. Here is what I have come up with:




    The above picture is a leech pattern I have come up with. The body is a rope material wrapped three layers on the hook shank. The tail is Chamois cloth. While the picture makes it look blue, it is actually black.




    The above pic is of my version of the Kreel Craw, which I found on the internet. The tail is custom cut from Chamois cloth.




    This final picture is of a minnow pattern I came up with. Once again the body is wrapped with a type of rope/cord material I found. I really like the color of the cord. The tail is Arctic Fox tail with a little crystal flash.


    Let me know what you think.

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