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Jonn Graham

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Posts posted by Jonn Graham

  1. In a river situation, even with the bottom weighted float, you will know that the fly is on the bottom as it will not drift correctly. Usually if the fly is on the bottom, the float will slowly go under the water or will bob strangely. Or, when you go to jiggle the float, it will not look or feel "right". But the use of the center weighted floats will work as well. I like my float vertical at all times as it allows me to give just the right jiggle.

  2. Bob Coan is an awesome fnf fisherman. Basically the best at Dale Hollow. I have met him a number of times and his a true smallmouth catching machine. His center weighted float is a great idea for deep water. The float was designed to catch smallies who come up from below the fly, suck it and then sit with it. A standard weighted float would not make any movements if this type of bite occurs. Bob's float, when a fish takes the fly from below, will move from sitting sideways, to completely upright signifying a strike. In at least my rivers, which are shallow compared to the Hollow, I don't think this hardly every happens. Because of this, I stick with the regular weighted floats.

  3. Yah, yah, yah.........I understand that location, speed, and cadence are all very important. My point is that under some conditions, sure, a crappy crappie jig suspended under a float will work, but a fnf jig is MUCH MORE lifelike in the water. When I use fnf, the water is cold and I am suspending the jig right in front of their face. I, myself, want my offering to look as lifelike as possible.


    If bait appearance means nothing, then I should get rid of all my fnf jigs and buy a thousand crappie jigs!

  4. Norm:


    Have you ever tried a properly tyed float n fly jig? If so, who tyed it? You don't know what the fish "truly" want if you have not tried both styles of jigs. I have no doubt that a crappie jig will catch smallies - So will a catfish worm slathered in cheese bait (yes, it does as I have witnessed it), but I don't see how anyone can think a crappie tube or crappie jig has even close to the same action, size, and overall life-like appearance as a fnf jig tyed with synthetic craft hair.


    Let me know if you want to try some fnf jigs as I will send you some to do a comparison.

  5. Bett's 1 inch round weighted floats. I get them from Cabelas. I think they come 12 to a pack. The ones at Wal Mart are the right size, but they do not last long. The little spring mechanism inside begins to "stick". Real pain in the butt. The Betts floats are better quality.


    Not going to get into a battle about fixed floats vs. slip floats. In addition, all I can say about true fnf jigs vs. "crappie jigs" is that if you could see a properly tied fnf jig in the water along side a standard crappie jig, your opinions would probably lean toward the fnf jig.


    I will just leave it at that. ;)

  6. At my level of experience, I try to find fly recipes that are, in my opinion, "easy". Kinda in the same class as the wooly bugger and clouser. I must say though that I am starting to show some interest in tougher techniques like spinning deer hair and fancy dubbing procedures. I figure I am not tying my flies to win any contests. Just trying to make flies that will fool the fish.


    The fly I worked on tonite is Ehlers P-jig. Fairly simple - basically a fly rod version of a rubber stranded jig that bass anglers have been using for years. I will try to post a pic in the morning.

  7. Wearing out my vise as I tie feverishly every night. Constantly on the net looking for new flies to try and replicate. I think I am getting better each passing day, though I get frustrated every so often when I cannot figure out how to do a certain tying skill. But Boy am I having fun!!! :rolleyes:


    Here are a couple of flies I have been working on:




    The above fly is called the Menominee Mud Bug. I found a picture of this fly on a website. No recipe, but I just took a look and went to work. Have tested it in the sink and it definitely looks like something a smallie might mistake for a craw or other bottom dwelling creature.




    Now, the above fly is a very feeble attempt to replicate one of the flies the GREAT Joe D. sent me. It is supposed to be a crawfish. Did not come out exactly how I wanted it to, but a few parts of the fly came out better than I thought it would. First, the dubbing did not come out too bad. This was my first real attempt at dubbing. Secondly, I like the way the silicone legs are sitting. Not to excited about the deer hair collar. Did not turn out quite like Joe's. I still think I might be able to catch a little river bronze with it.




    This last fly is, as many of you know, the Clouser floating minnow. Just whipped this up last night as I finally received the foam bug bodies needed to create the fly. The above picture is without epoxy and glitter, so it is not completely done. This fly looks like it will be fun to use and possibly attract a big brownie.


    As always, comments and suggestions are welcome...............please. My past fly pictures sure did not elicit much response, though many people viewed the post. C'mon you fly fishermen - help a guy out. Give it to me straight - I can take it. If they look like crap...........let me know!

  8. Tomorrow night we will be meeting at the Heyworth Library at 6:00. We will conduct a very short meeting and then move on to the main event - Fly Tying! A number of us will have our vises and materials. My plan is to have each tyer demonstrate the procedure in tying his/her favorite fly.


    After the meeting and BS are through, we will retire to a local establishment for refreshments and eats.


    Should be a good time. Do not think this meeting is only for fly fishermen. Spin fishers are definitely welcome....................though we may try to convert you.


    Hope to see a big crowd.

  9. Our second winter meeting will take place on Friday, January 16th. We will meet at the Heyworth library. This meeting will be highlighted by our resident fly fishermen. Many fly fishermen will be on hand to show off how they tye their signature flies. Anyone who is not a fly tyer will be treated to a little "how to" time. We will get you behind the vise and help you tye your first fly.


    We will start the meeting at 6:00. The meeting will last 90 minutes or so and then many of us usually go out to a eat at the local watering hole. I believe they have an outstanding fish dinner.

  10. The following pics are of some of my newest ties:




    A little information about each fly to follow:






    The above picture is of a fly I found on the internet. It is called Megan's Minnow. Very simple but looks like it will be a good, small minnow imitator. Small amount of lead wire wrap on the shank gives it a little weight to sink, but not too fast. Tail is fox and the body is a sparkle braid. The back is folded back deer hair. Epoxy finish.




    The above fly is my version of the Bob Clouser Madtom. Really like the way this one turned out. I did not have the proper materials to make the side fins, but took some short deer hair fibers and wrapped them tight to make the fibers flair out like fins. I think it came out pretty nice.




    The above picture has a standard clouser on the top (bluegill color). The bottom fly is Bob's purple darter. I really like the darter tye. Much like a clouser but a little smaller with one extra deer hair step.




    The above pic is of a couple of bottom-dwelling crawfish flies. The top one uses sparkle chenille for the body and the bottom one uses Rich's chenille material.


    That is it for now. I am constantly searching the net for other flies that are simple enough for me to tye and look like they would be effective.


    Any comments, criticisms, or tips are much appreciated.

  11. I started fly fishing back in August. Told the wife I was just going to dabble in it. She told me I was full of you know what. She was right. I now have four fly rods and tons of flies, many of them I have tied myself. In my limited amount of time, here is what has worked for me:




    I have three of the Redington Crosswater combos - a 5, 6, and 8weight. They are $100 for the whole combo with Rio Mainstream line and leader included with the combo. I think these are great combos for the price. They won an award through Field and Stream a year or so ago.


    I also have one of the Albright GP rods (a 6/7 weight) and absolutely love it. It is a faster action rod than the Redingtons. I paired it with Albright's Bugati reel and added Rio Clouser fly line. If you can afford to shell out a little more money for line, the Rio Clouser line is awesome. The Rio Mainstream is nice though, especially for the price.




  12. My plans for 2009 include a trip with the family up to Four Seasons Resort on the Menominee river. This will be a combo family trip and fishing trip for me. The resort sits right on the river. I can wake up, walk out, get in my canoe and take off as the sun is coming up...........cannot wait.


    I also want to get back up to the North Eastern area in Iowa. Went there years ago and fished the Maquoketa River. Small river with great fish and scenery. There are other rivers up there as well like the Turkey and the Volga. Hoping to run up there for a few days maybe in August.

  13. There is no way I am going to put the fly rod away for the winter. I will have to do some fly fishing in below freezing air temps. I have the type of fly line that will perform well in cold weather, but the guides on my fly rod will ice up as was evident this afternoon. Anyone out there got a way to delay the forming of ice on the guides? Maybe something you can spray onto the guides? Silicone...............PAM cooking spray???? Help............please..............my creek still contains open water and is calling my fly fishing name.

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