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The ISA has signed on as a supporting organization in this ambitious effort.

Please feel free to lend your support as individuals as well.

Every voice matters.



I apologize for the short notice and for any duplication.

I'm writing to ask you to help us make a strong showing of support from Illinois groups for proposed USEPA and Army Corps of Engineers guidance that would provide better protection for rivers, lakes and wetlands from pollution and especially from destruction through filling.

We would greatly appreciate your group's signing on to the attached letter expressing support for this proposed guidance, an important first step in restoring protections that had been in place for decades until two recent Supreme Court decisions muddied the waters, so to speak.

If you can sign on, please respond by NOON on FRIDAY JULY 1. I will then add all the signatories and submit the letter to EPA by the COB deadline that day. I will send all signers a copy of the submitted letter.

As you know, hostility towards EPA and environmental protection in general is running high in DC right now, so we feel it is incredibly important to voice support for the agencies' positive action.

The guidance is an important first step - in the future, we want to support the agencies in turning the guidance into binding regulations.

Please feel free to call or e-mail with any questions. Thank you very much for your consideration!

Sincerely, Glynnis

P.S. The EPA and Army Corps guidance is a bright spot in an otherwise very bleak landscape in DC. We are seeing attack after attack on clean water coming out of Congress. We are trying to mobilize the grassroots on these dirty water bills too. If you have time personally to take some action, and/or are willing to encourage your members to do so, we would appreciate it - see our recent action alert for details: http://prairierivers...on-clean-water/

_________________________________ Glynnis Collins Executive Director Prairie Rivers Network 1902 Fox Drive, Suite G Champaign, IL 61820 Phone: 217/344-2371 Fax: 217/344-2381 www.prairierivers.org




Thanks for putting this up. I fear that, with the tea party so active, our waters may begin to look like tea or worse yet tea with cream over the next few years. This is one case where governmant regulation makes sense and has produced great benefits.


Since the Prarie Rivers group is paddling upstream on this one, I encourage everyone to follow the link and follow up on some of the items in their notice. Signing the letter is especially easy to do.


Several local TU and Izaak Walton groups across the region and a "who's-who" of conservation oriented angling groups have signed on.

It's the people that decide their rivers are important that bang this thing up one at a time and ultimately make a difference.

Bang away, gang.......(follow the link in the first post....LOL)

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