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Want to Learn More About Factory Farms?

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Prairie Rivers Network invites all interested members of the public to attend one of our upcoming presentations on Factory Farms. These presentations are sponsored by local Sierra Club groups.


compressed%20farm%20sanctuary%20inside%20hog%20cafo.jpg?__nocache__=1Factory Farms, or CAFOs, are livestock operations where large numbers of animals are confined and raised for meat, eggs, or dairy products. Illinois has at least 500 factory farms, some of which have polluted nearby streams or even caused fish kills.


Prairie Rivers Network will present information on the potential environmental costs of factory farms, and opportunities for citizen activism and positive change in Illinois. During the presentation, the Sierra Club film "Living a Nightmare, Animal Factories in Michigan" will be shown.


Please join us at one of the following presentations:


March 22, 6:30pm, Lincoln Library Carnegie Room North, Springfield


March 23, 6:30pm, Fairview Heights Library, Fairview Heights


March 28, 7:00pm, Champaign Public Library Robeson C, Champaign


April 14, TBD, Carbondale





We need your help today to pass a bill

that will strengthen oversight of factory farms in Illinois!


It's not too late to add your voice and take action to reduce water pollution. Prairie Rivers Network, Environment Illinois, and Illinois Citizens for Clean Air & Water are supporting a bill to establish a fee for water pollution permits issued to factory farms.




Coal Tour: Life Cycle of Coal in Central Illinois--Registration closing Wednesday


Alliance-March-Delegation-to-Central-IL-206x300.jpg?__nocache__=1Interested in learning first-hand about the true cost of coal in Illinois? Join citizen activists and water quality professionals for a day-long tour of central Illinois' coalfields.


What: Day-long tour of central Illinois' coalfields.


When: March 26th from 10:15 a.m. to 6:45 (back in time to catch the train to Chicago)


Where: Illinois Stewardship Alliance, 401 West Jackson Parkway, Springfield, IL 62704


Sponsored by: Heartland Coalfield Alliance;Citizens Against Longwall Mining; Prairie Rivers Network; Illinois Sierra Club


You will learn about the history of the Illinois coal industry and organized labor in Illinois, visit the small towns where some of the nation's deadliest labor battles were fought, and travel to the only union-organized coal mine left in Illinois today. From there, you will witness the impacts of coal mining on the lands, waters, health, and quality of life of central Illinois communities.


Click Here to Register and for More Details


Registration Required -- Space is Limited


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