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8-26 evening on the Fox

Guest airbornemike

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Guest airbornemike

Fished two hours before dusk back at a little spot John L and I fished monday evening. Most of the fish were in the tail of the pool, and a few being right in the riffles. They all seemed to prefer a upstream presentation with small snaps of the rod tip, decievers and clousers were on the menu. Most were 12" to 14" typicals but high numbers I stopped counting after 15 or so, all in all a nice night for fast fishing.



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Ron is fine with me kidding him. He always takes it well and knows I'm joking.


Now you on the other hand....


Have you ever hear if using humor to defuse a situation?


Like duct tape...


I never did get that case I needed.

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Guest airbornemike

Nice going Mike! I think from now on I'm going to just post a few pics occasionally & leave the detailed fish reporting in your capable hands.I don't want to chance offending the sensibilities of certain bassbuggers any longer.


Ron I enjoy your reports, dont want to be one of the only bug chuckers reporting here.

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Ron is fine with me kidding him. He always takes it well and knows I'm joking.


Now you on the other hand....


Have you ever hear if using humor to defuse a situation?


Like duct tape...


I never did get that case I needed.

I get your humor, but in the rather volatile situation that is going on I thought maybe better judgement would have taken the place of adding more body slams. I'll just shut up and let you all have your fun! :mellow:

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Ron I enjoy your reports, dont want to be one of the only bug chuckers reporting here.

I know what you mean.Until you joined the club I was virtually alone doing ffing reports for the last 4 seasons.To hear some tell it that was because I scared everyone else away.You know, straw houses & big bad wolves.

Here are a cupl pics from yesterday on the Kank:16" smallie,15" largie.The smb looks more like a Lake M fish with the girth of an 18"er.I also got a smaller bass & a walleye & lost the big fish of the day once again due to a poor hookset.I should have that inscribed on my grave.Cause of death:Poor Hookset. :D



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Guest airbornemike

That SMB is way fat Ron, and I dont mean phat fat. I fished the Kank last Sunday and came up with one dink, My partner did better with a few better SMB and one real nice channel cat in the 5lb range, all on flys.

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Nice report and fish Mike. B)

Nice report and fish Ron. B)


Humor is a wonderful thing. Please put that and some pepperoni on my tombstone. :)


Ron may know Jim is kidding but to the uniformed reader the lack of emoticons with an humorously intended post simply appears to be anything but humorous.



"Ron, there is a center up the street that takes in cases like yours. The detox doesn't hurt a bit (they tell me) I've never been there myself."


Now we'll try it with emoticons...


Ron, there is a center up the street that takes in cases like yours. :P The detox doesn't hurt a bit (they tell me) :rolleyes: I've never been there myself. B)


Class dismissed. :D

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OK more comedy school time:


This is going from comedy 101 to comedy 102


A dissection of the sentence in question and why it's funny.


Ron, there is a center up the street that takes in cases like yours. The detox doesn't hurt a bit (they tell me) I've never been there myself.


"A center up the street" How many people actually have a center up the street? The odds are no one. So it's an obviously false statement to set up the rest of the humor.


"The detox doesn't hurt a bit" Everyone know there is isn't a detox for this kind of condition. A funny statement because you can't "detox" this kind of thing and detox is serious and fishing is not so it juxtaposes seriousness with a light situation. And the word detox is funny.


"they tell me" an old joke coming from the school of "I've got a friend...."


"I've never been there myself" The jokester has obviously been there but is trying to put on like he heard about the Center. A final injection of self depreciating humor.


Now of course someone reading the sentence would actually have to think about this to find the humor in it. Someone reading it and thinking I have a Center up the street and there is actually detox for this may actually need a Center. HA



Schools out.

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OK more comedy school time:


This is going from comedy 101 to comedy 102


A dissection of the sentence in question and why it's funny.


Ron, there is a center up the street that takes in cases like yours. The detox doesn't hurt a bit (they tell me) I've never been there myself.


"A center up the street" How many people actually have a center up the street? The odds are no one. So it's an obviously false statement to set up the rest of the humor.


"The detox doesn't hurt a bit" Everyone know there is isn't a detox for this kind of condition. A funny statement because you can't "detox" this kind of thing and detox is serious and fishing is not so it juxtaposes seriousness with a light situation. And the word detox is funny.


"they tell me" an old joke coming from the school of "I've got a friend...."


"I've never been there myself" The jokester has obviously been there but is trying to put on like he heard about the Center. A final indication of self depreciating humor.


Now of course someone reading the sentence would actually have to think about this to find the humor in it. Someone reading it and thinking I have a Center up the street and there is actually detox for this may actually need a Center.



Schools out.

I agree that in order to understand what someone is actually saying sometimes requires understanding more than just the literal meaning of the words he used.When this requirement is not met misunderstandings result & offense can be taken where none was intended.

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Isn't HA enough.


I come from a minimalist comedy background.


'HA' is plenty. But there was no 'HA' in your original post. :rolleyes:


After reading the description of your joke it's now clear to me who needs therapy.



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