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I'll be attending the following event this weekend to represent ISA conservation interests.

My registration was before an initial 10/15 deadline.

I'm not seeing a deadline on their site now, so perhaps interested parties can still register and attend.

If you would like to do so, please call them for confirmation.




There is a LOT of information to digest in these links.

Plan to spend at least a couple of hours to educate yourselves fully.



Are you an environmentalist, hunter or fisher, educator, someone who recreates in the outdoors, or someone else who works to improve the future of conservation and outdoor recreation in Illinois? Help create that better future at Conservation Congress.


  • Saturday October 24 (Registration 8:15 am, Program 9:00 am - 4:30 pm) and Sunday October 25 (Check-In 8:30 am, Program 9:00 am – 12:30 pm)
    IDNR Headquarters, One Natural Resources Way, Springfield, IL

  • To register call (217)333-7369 or (877)455-2687

Reports of committees of the Natural Resources Advisory Board, with recommendations to be presented and considered at Conservation Congress, will soon be available:


Access to Private Lands EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Access to Private Lands FULL REPORT

Youth Recruitment and Retention EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Youth Recruitment and Retention FULL REPORT

Conservation Funding EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Conservation Funding FULL REPORT


Schedule for Conservation Congress October 24 and 25 is here newbtn2.gif


Habitat and open spaces are disappearing, recreational access to land is limited, and children are growing up without knowing about the outdoors. Change will not happen without broad constituent and public support.


At Conservation Congress, participants will review, propose and vote on recommendations to elected and appointed Illinois officials on: Youth Recruitment and Retention, Access to Private Lands, and Conservation Funding.


Food is graciously provided by the Illinois Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus. The Caucus will sponsor a special reception with light buffet Saturday night – you can RSVP when you register for the Congress.


There is no charge though participants are responsible for their own lodging. Space is limited so register today. If you have questions please call217-785-0075.




I had the time off to attend but a non negotiable family function came up so I couldn't get downstate.

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