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Kishwaukee River Zoning Change Action Alert

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Received emails today and yesterday.


First today's call for action:


Name: help us !

Email: savethekishwaukeeriver@gmail.com


Suject: Conservation

Message: We need your help in Winnebago Cty. A Zoning change to 800 acres near the confluence of the Kishwaukee and Rock Rivers is threatening the Class A status of the Kish, not to mention the ecology and groundwater... please call or email me, I have added a few contacts from the zoning committee if you would like to pass this on. tonite at 5:30, Rm303, 404 Elm St. The members the zoning committee to focus on from the contact list are Gambino, Goral, and MacKay.



2010 5691 Rainsford Way 61107

(H) (815) 282-1957

( B) (815) 637-0113






2010 1108 N. Rockton Ave 61103

(H) (815) 964-0686





2012 7030 Horizon Drive 61109

(H) (815) 962-7031


( B) (815) 962-7313




Name: dan nieman

Email: djnieman@gmail.com


Suject: Comment

Message: Winnebago County has a proposed land use plan that has a possibility of allowing an industrial park site along the banks of the Kishwaukee River, thus threatening to destoy the Kishwaukee Watershed. The Rock River Times has an article in the current paper describing what is happening. I encourage you and your membership to become involved in stopping this from happening. Should you have any questions please feel free to call me directly at 815-243-3678


This is going to be a hard proposition to stop. There local park district, along with several other groups opposes this but more help is needed getting the word out!

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