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Electric Carp Barrier Update

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The more I learn about this boondoggle, the more I'm convinced the Great Lakes don't stand a fighting chance.

Never mind the world-class smallmouth fishery that is Lake Michigan.

Before long, any species we are accustomed to seeing will be eradicated in short order when these thugs arrive to the party and pick the buffet table clean.


Check this out (be sure to read it through to the end. It will leave you scratching your head!)


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its sad to see this disaster waiting to happen. I've seen many clips and one in particular on you tube by the head authority on these bigheads. they themselves recently learned just how big of a problem these fish are. mainly the numbers of them. they were "shocking" the fish, as they do for fish counts on gamefish. when they hit the juice you could not see through the bigheads!! they were on a stretch of the Ill river and seen 10's of thousands of bigheads. many of them were good size fish 10-15lbs plus. the big problem they present is that they are filter feeders. they eat what the smallest of baitfish eat. which means they take out the food chain at the very bottom. I dont remember exactly how much they eat a day, but it is a incredible amout by body wieght. I will find the clips and post them for everyone to see.




the next 2 posts below are part 1 and part 2 of the asian invasion.

this is a must see about the problem at hand.

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everytime I watch these clip I am speechless, sickend to my stomack and just shocked. this is a real wake up call to everyone that our fisheries are this close to being COMPLETELY destroyed!! please, everyone watch these clips and be aware of what is about to happen!!



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