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Dam Removal Input needed

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Any Alliance members that can make this would be great. This is an important step in helping a great smallmouth stream.


Unfortunately I will be out of town.


The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County and DuPage County Stormwater Management invite you to attend a Public Education Forum on June 12th, 2008 regarding the Warrenville and McDowell Grove Dam Modification Projects.


These are the first Dam removal projects in DuPage County. Some of the first in Northeast Illinois. The Forum is part of a NEPA EA process seeking public and agency input on the projects. You or representatives of the Illinois Smallmouth Bass Alliance in the area are encouraged to attend and comment. The comments generated will assist us in the final review and permitting. In addition, your input may very well sculpt how such dam modification / removal projects are reviewed, regulated, permitted, and funded in the future.


Please consider sending this email and attachment out to your network of members and or website for further distribution.


Thank you for your efforts in this regard.




John "Ole" Oldenburg


Office of Natural Resources

Forest Preserve District of DuPage County

(630) 933-7669


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While purusing back issues of the newsletter I came across this article from Dec. 2002. And yes, I'm still looking for more info. (hint.... hint)


Selective Removal of Dams That Don't Make Sense.

By Jim Jozwiak


On October 29th, The Chicagoland ISA regional meeting sponsored a presentation on

"The effects of dams on fish, fishing, and the overall health of the Fox River in Illinois."

Vic Santucci, a fisheries research biologist with the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation,

and Bob Rung, a streams biologist with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources,

presented the seminar which included slides and statistics. Vic reported on the results of a twoyear study that documented the effects of Fox River dams on fish communities, invertebrates,

aquatic habitat, and water quality. Bob talked about sport fishing opportunities in the Fox River

and how dams affect overall fishing opportunities on the river. Most of the information coincided

with many other dam removals which have been very successful across the nation.


The process of blocking a moving river inherently

changes the ecosystem, destroying

the natural processes dependant on that system.

Negatives effects:

• Inundating wildlife habitat

• Reducing river levels

• Blocking or slowing river flows

• Altering water temperatures

• Decreasing water oxygen levels

• Obstructing the movement of gravel, woody debris, and nutrients

• Blocking upstream and downstream fish passage


Dam removal has been shown to provide

significant benefits to a river system.

Positive effects:

• Restoring river habitat

• Improving water quality

• Reestablishing fish passage upstream and


• Restoring endangered species

• Saving taxpayer dollars

• Removing dam safety risks

• Improving fishing opportunities

• Improving recreational boating opportuni




Since 1912, 467 dams have been removed throughout the nation with Wisconsin leading the

way. The Illinois Smallmouth Alliance supports selective removal of dams that don't make


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I'm going to be there. Jim K. I can be there to support our cause with you. You can find me...I'll have my ISA hat on.

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Apparently this is already a done deal, I stopped in and looked at the design plans yesterday. All this meeting seems to be is just sitting down with the public and explaining what they're going to be doing. Questions will be taken and that sort of thing. I'm going and taking notes, and will add my comments when asked. I'll look for you Jim, thanks! B)

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It seems that the removal of the dams is NOT a done deal. Last nights meeting was just another step towards gaining removal permits. Thanks to Jim B for stepping up and helping out the cause.


There seemed to be plenty of opposition to the removals. We'll just have to keep our fingers crossed on this issue. Maybe next time a request is made for our attendence, we can get a few more members to give up an hour of their time. Maybe?

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