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:wacko: Can anyone here help me out I have a pic of a fly I tied and i cant figure out how to post it here in the forum can anyone help??


Wade B)




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I really want to see that fly. Here's help.


Assuming you have the image hosted somewhere, you can use the insert image button on the toolbar that appears above the text box when you are writing a message or reply. Pass your cursor over the buttons one by one and wait till the name "Insert Image" pops up. Punch (click)that button. put in the URL in the prompt box that pops up. Alternatively you can manually bracket the Url with the two codes[/img].


I will stop there. If you need coaching on hosting images, let us know.

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Here's what I did.


View the fly in the Gallery.

Left click on umage.

Click Priperties.

Highlight and copy the URL.

Paste in message.

enclose in [/img]


Nice fly. It was worth the trouble.

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