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Riendeau Ringer and Foder Lite Video

Mike G

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A deplorable condition came to my attention recently. A Bugger (also an ISA officer) did not know how to tie Craig Reindeau's Hairy Fodder and did not know what a ringer was. Said officer has since submitted evidence of his proficiency in tying the Fodder but still has to add the ringer to his bag of tricks. (That is because I could not send him a link to how the ringer is tied on.) Since this is worth sharing anyway, I will put it here as a refresher for all.


This video begins with Craig demonstrating method 1.0 for putting the Ringer on the hook. (See note.) Then you will see the Fodder Lite.



You can order Ringers on Craig's new site.




Two notes:


1. A while back Steve R developed method 2.0 for mounting the Ringer. No cutting or needle is required. Poke the hook point through the Ringer and figure 8 it in place. (Be sure the point is centered on the band before pushing it through.)


2. Crawdad Craig's original instructions for tying the Fodder are still out there:





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