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Warming trend

Tim Smith

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Check out the temperature lows in the Salt Fork over the last few days...and those peaks! Toasty!!




I've used float and fly (we called it "jiggerbobbing" where I come from) for crappie and I've used it on the Middle Fork but never to target smallies specifically. I have a couple of Jonn's jigs and I don't think I can stand waiting too many more days. If the weather can just hold out a bit, this will be my first try for cold water float and fly smallies.

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Good Luck, Tim!! I hope you have a good report!!!


There's a little note in the Central Fishing section, Mark. One big carp on the float and fly and that was about it.


The rain didn't do much last night but water clarity seems to still be an issue in a lot of streams. Jonn says the Mac is still dirty and there was a little bump on the Salt Fork hydrograph this morning as well.


Temperatures are still climbing, though. We'll have peaks over 10C next week at this rate.

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I saw your report. I bet that carp gave you a pretty good fight on that float n fly rod. I just got back from checking another flow and clarity is definitely a problem. It shouldn't be too much longer if the temps stay up and the rain stays away.

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Hey Tim, for us non scientists, does this conversion for Celsius to Fahrenheit work? Take 10 C, double it and add 32, and you get 52 F. This idea is from my foreign language teaching wife. If this is not in the ballpark, what is the Fahrenheit equivalent of 10 degrees Celsius?

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Hey Tim, for us non scientists, does this conversion for Celsius to Fahrenheit work? Take 10 C, double it and add 32, and you get 52 F. This idea is from my foreign language teaching wife. If this is not in the ballpark, what is the Fahrenheit equivalent of 10 degrees Celsius?


That's the approximation I use in my head, Dick.

C to F is 9/5 of C +32


F to C is 5/9 of C -32


So 10 C is 50 degrees. Those 2 degrees usually aren't worth the extra hassle.



It's funny though, I still think in F for air temperature but since I went to school to study aquatics, everything in my head for water is in C.


At 0C, water freezes. At 4 degrees C, water starts to become less dense. Around 13C is when things start getting interesting around spawning season. Steelhead start to stress at 18C. Steelhead start to die at 25C. Anything at 30C or higher is really, really hot. At 40C start adding salt and seasonings and put a little parsley on the side.

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