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Wading Pace

Terry Dodge

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Here's a story they tell in Lena. About 100 years ago two farm boys got into an argument about which horse to hitch to the wagon to carry them into town for the Saturday dance. One brother thought the gals at the dance would like the fast one best; the other favored the slow one. They argued through the night and never got to the dance. As a result three generations of children, grandchildren,and great grandchildren were never born. The bachelor brothers died without heirs. The farm was sold at auction, proceeds going to the county.


Why didn't you try to talk some sense into them?

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I know you are gettin to the dance from those near Brutus catches you have been makin even handicapped by havin Jude along.


I should spin the moral of the story further. (I think you already got this; so this is for Jude.)


The gals, that is, bass, do not care how fast you get to the show. They care about how you work your lure once you are there. Fast or slow, surface, mid-depth, or bottom will work depending on their mood. So normally I make a bee line for the honey hole. But I will sample spots along the way since the gals do not always hang out in the most likely places. Gals or bass it is not how you get there; it is what you do when you get there that counts.

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I know you are gettin to the dance from those near Brutus catches you have been makin even handicapped by havin Jude along.


(he gets me)


Not sure why you would direct your above comment towards Jude when the man has yet to even post on this topic, but what's done is done and

now we have to deal with it.

In fairness to the Colonel (Jude) he kicked my butt from bank to bank last Sunday because he had the magic cadence with his Chug Bug.


Here's a statement by me that I'm sure will take some focus off the Colonel and probably outrage some members......

There is no water column in the Kish. The "gals" are either on top or they're on the bottom. That's it. There's no "mid-depth". Top or bottom.

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