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Guest rich mc

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Guest rich mc

The Blowout went great with the exception of the weather. we could not have pulled it off without so many members bringing raffle items to the table. many knowledgeable anglers also donated a fishing trip , that was a big bonus. Don Roseboom has some great video on dam removal and video mapping,and Jonn had everyone complete attention. John Loeback and the Bassbuggers filled a second table with fly related prizes, way to go. Thanks again for all those that set up and kept it running smoothly . Rich

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I sure am glad that the Blowout went well. I wish I could have been there but have to many trips in the bag for this year now. The Blowouts I attended in the past have been a real blast and I can imagine that this one was better then all past Blowouts. Congratulations to the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance for another successful year and a great fund raiser.

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Another successful event hosted by the most active fishing/conservation organization in Illinois.

Many, many thanks go out to all that made it possible.

The funds raised by this event go toward all of the projects you will begin hearing about soon for the coming year.

Please remember that we are going to continue to call on our members to help us complete these projects.

Without all of you, none of this would be possible.


As there is much work left to be done and this event serves to kick start a very active agenda for your club, keep in mind that we also realize the importance of sharing a passion for fishing and fellowship. Mark your calendars now, as many outings have been scheduled.

The almighty bronzebacks await!

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Another successful event hosted by the most active fishing/conservation organization in Illinois.

Many, many thanks go out to all that made it possible.

The funds raised by this event go toward all of the projects you will begin hearing about soon for the coming year.

Please remember that we are going to continue to call on our members to help us complete these projects.

Without all of you, none of this would be possible.


As there is much work left to be done and this event serves to kick start a very active agenda for your club, keep in mind that we also realize the importance of sharing a passion for fishing and fellowship. Mark your calendars now, as many outings have been scheduled.

The almighty bronzebacks await!

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Thanks to all the officers and members who donated their time and effort to make this event such a success. This was my first Blowout, and I'll definately be making many return visits in the future.


I hope everyone made it home safely in that slop that was falling out of the sky last night!

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Once again, another great Bronzeback Blowout. Judy and I always have a lot of fun. Congratulations to Rich M. on his first Blowout as President. Many thanks to All of the members that helped in the activities. The Blowout seems to get a little better each year.


Also, many thanks to Jim J. on all of the work he has done over the years and will continue to do.


Judy and I did not get to any of the outings, cleanups, etc last year but plan to make it to some this year.

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I really enjoyed the Blowout. The best part was actually meeting a bunch of cyber-aquaintences from here. Now I have faces to put with the names!


The drive home was not fun. At one point, the car in front of me spun sideways after hitting a pile of snow. Luckily, there was no one next to me and I eased over to just miss the guy. Tim: did you make it home in one piece?


Thanks to all you guys who worked so hard to put it together. Very well organized event!


Eric: thanks for the beer. You have to watch "The Big Lebowski" if you really want to appreciate "...the dude abides..."

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Tim: did you make it home in one piece?


Thanks for asking Jude, and thanks to Mark Hedger I did make it home alive. Fortunately, the snow and ice weren't bad after the first 1.5 to 2 hours. I made it home about 1 a.m. Mark must have hit the door at about 2a.m..


I agree it's a tribute to the group as a whole that in spite of some nasty weather the Blowout was just as big a success as ever. The years of groundwork, talent, foresight and just plain elbow grease (yes, especially by Jim and Scott) were fully apparent last night. Rich did a great job running the show his first time around. That was also the first Jonn Graham talk I've seen. I was truly impressed. Don's DVD's were quite the eye-opener as well.

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The amazing thing about Jonn's talk was the incredible attention to small details. Something for me, maybe all of us, to work on this year. Nice job Jonn.


I accepted Dan Basore's invite to represent the ISA at a reception to open his History of Fishing display at the Lake County Museum. Good catch by Rich McElligott to realize that is only about 10 minutes from my house.



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Yeah- wasn't THAT interesting?! HAHA

2 hours of white knuckle driving to get home.

Semi's and cars in the ditches all over on my route.


Great Blowout! It was my first time "working" a Blowout and it was fun. That drive home (how can I complain I only live ten minutes from the Blowout) was no fun! I hope everyone made it home safely.


The amazing thing about Jonn's talk was the incredible attention to small details. Something for me, maybe all of us, to work on this year. Nice job Jonn.


I accepted Dan Basore's invite to represent the ISA at a reception to open his History of Fishing display at the Lake County Museum. Good catch by Rich McElligott to realize that is only about 10 minutes from my house.




John's presentation was very informative. I think I could talk fishing with John for a good long time :) Great job!


I was also invited to the History of Fishing display. I hope to take off work early and make it up there. I'll look for you Gregg.


hey gregg, those pins are totally cool.guys were proudly displaying them last night. you did it. thanks


The pins turned out very nice. It's a smart thing to honor those that volunteer their time. Hopefully the recognition will inspire others to do the same.


Thanks to everyone that made the Blowout a success!


Don R

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Thoroughly enjoyed the blowout................as usual. To me it went off without a hitch. Many thanks to the following:


Jim J. for letting me stay at his house for two nights and for all his work for the club for many many years. Jim brought the club from a small, fledgling organization to one of the biggest groups in the state.



Scott F: Thanks for all your work 365 days a year. Without you, this club is in real trouble.


Gregg S.: Awesome pins. They look great and it was great and inspiring to see a member go to all the work to achieve his original plan.


Set up/tear down crew: I had never been involved with the whole set up process. WOW! Everyone did a wonderful job. Definitely a well-oiled machine.


Eric: Thanks for helping me with computer stuff and the time you spent discussing fishing related stuff. Can't wait for the spinnerbait primer this spring/summer.


If I forgot anyone else, please accept my apology. Great night..............can't wait for next year.

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Thank you to all from the ISA who put on the Blowout. Though I'm just a "mailbox member," I've been an officer with other organizations that put on similar fundraising events.


I know from first-hand experience how much hard work and effort it takes to make an event like this one happen.


Thank you to all.


(And my drive home to Mundelein was only 90 minutes. Didn't get much over 30 mph the whole way home, though I got passed by two vehicles who I guess thought that Rules of Snow-Covered Expressways don't apply to them. Saw one of the vehicles in the ditch a couple miles after it passed me going maybe 50 or 60 mph.)

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My Thanks also to RichM and allthe board who put on the Blowout.Especially want to thank Jay Moller for writing down the license # on the snowplow guy who clipped my car in parking lot.After my interview with cop,they did provide me with offenders insurance etc-so drive home tho kind of crummy,I was able to drive very defensively.

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This being my third Blowout. The turnout was exceptional as was the entire evening.


Sure thought I was going to have to use the sled dogs from southern Ohio to and from the Blowout.


Hope the winner enjoys the Swifty kayak. Let me know and I'll start working on a canoe or kayk for '08'.


My friend, Dick D., enjoyed the Blowout and is inclined to return. I suspect he will bring more of his handcrafted lures. Hope the article he offered will make good reading for ISA.


I have arranged my vacation so I might fish two or three ISA outings.


As always! An ISA member visiting this area will be ushered/guided to waters ruled by the Buckeye bronzeback.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys im very sorry i missed the Blowout this year.


My Haunted House convention in Chicago was moved a week earlier this year to the same weekend as the Blowout,hence not being able to make it. The are moving the convention to Las Vegas next year and that i will not be attending so i will be back at the Blowout next year. Put me down as a vollunteer now for next year.


Sound like a great time had by all!

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Was that in Rosemont, Kevin?

I had a job removing a giant hot tub from the hotel across the street and saw something about a Haunted House convention there.

Even mentioned something to a co-worker that I might know a guy that would be part of it. LOL

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