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Mark K

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Posts posted by Mark K

  1. You guys think you're good? My biggest '07 bass was an 18"(ish) largemouth. Got him on a 1/2" piece of nightcrawler, that had been gnawed on by about 50 gills and bullheads. Looked like it came out of a fish's stomach.

    Beat that!

    This year I'm going to try get one on a hot dog. If the bite gets tough, maybe I'll finesse it and use a cocktail wienie.



    I would hurt myself with a 6" fly. Maybe someone else too.

    I'm stuck on the good old fashioned Deer hair Clouser. #2-4. Put it in the right spot seems like it works as well as anything. Casts like a bullet and doesn't get hung up easily either. His sculpin is good too.


    Personally, I don't think there is anything wrong with going out and just having a good time fishing anyway you see fit. I think a 12" smallie fights like hell on a flyrod. Especially in summer.

    When you get to point when you can count your yearly smallie outtings on ONE hand...well a day pounding 12 inchers looks pretty appealing.





  2. Okay, I've now got so much crap that when I need something. I can't find it.

    Where/how do you store your stuff? Do you use one of those oasis type benches? Did you make it? Can you post a picture?

    Have you ever made a big unused material purge and just pitched a bunch of crap, just to consolidate and make things neater? I'm really starting to follow the "Less is More" philosophy.

    Is there any rhyme or reason to your organization?



  3. My Maui Jims no longer fit me...

    I would go out and get another pair, but I just have too many expensive hobbies. I discovered two brands at REI. Chilli's and Peppers. Of course they aren't nearly as nice as M.J.'s or Oakley's but they are remarkably clear and look pretty sharp. I had a pair last year, but I loaned them to my nephew and never got them back. I used them a few times fishing and they have excellent polarization charcateristics.

    I bought one pair yesterday that has a pretty light tint and I saw another witha little darker that I like too. They range from around 20-35 bucks, so have a coupla pairs is not out of the question.


    The ones I got look like this:




    Warning, if you never been to REI. They have a lot and lots of cool outdoors stuff. You might spend more than 20 bucks on shades.

  4. Great! Also noticed some other interesting speakers. sounds like a good group. Catchy acronym for a name too.


    Club Meetings

    DRiFT meets every Tuesday at 7pm from Sept - May at The College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn.


    During a typical meeting one of our members will demonstrate how to tie a fly pattern or cover a specific technique. Several times a year we have guest presenters who share their knowledge and expertise.

    Click here for last 1 years guests.


    Weekly Schedule 2006-2007 Season

    Date - Time - Room


    Presenter Presentation


    Tue Feb 19, 08 07:00 PM room M165A/G


    Bob Rung Conservation Water Willow


    Water Willow plantings as errosion barrier and history of the Fox River


    Tue Feb 26, 08 07:00 PM room M165A/G


    Craig Reindeau


    Tue Mar 04, 08 07:00 PM room M165A/G


    Chris Helm Deer Hair flys


    Tue Mar 11, 08 07:00 PM room M165A/G


    Gordon Koppin Bamboo Fly Rods


    Tue Mar 18, 08 07:00 PM room M165A/G


    Ron Bishop Flies for the Barothy's trip


    Tue Mar 25, 08 07:00 PM room M165A/G


    Mike Miller Dubbing Techniques


    Dubbing twister, Hair stacker,ETC.


    Tue Apr 01, 08 07:00 PM room M 165AG


    Carl Butler

  5. Did not know how many of you have heard about the Illinois High School Association making it official and adding competitive high school fishing as a sanctioned sport. It is scheduled to start in the spring of 2009. Illinois is the first state in the US to do this............kinda exciting.


    I wish they would have had fishing when I was in high school! Can you imagine how fun practice would be!? Heck, they would have never gotten me to go home. :lol:



    Thats cool, not everyone is an athlete or wants to be. I found gym to pretty useless and totally uninspiring.

  6. Besides, there's nothing more exciting than watching a smallie take top water.


    He uses conventional head cement. It's not exactly that it maintains the tight pack while tying, but helps somewhat and it makes for a very durable fly. It's applied after the half-hitches and the pack. I'll loosen the vise's jaws and rotate the fly so that the hook's eye it pointing up, then push the deer hair back to expose the shank, then add the glue liberally at the hitches.


    The only thing I don't care for about deer hair is they do soak up water eventually. Tighter the pack the less they soak and the longer it takes. I haven't experimented with flotants and such....perhap that will help.


    I think it's his first deer hair dvd: Hooked on tying - Spinning Deer Hair with Chris Helm. He's got several dvds that he works with other accomplished tyers who work with deer hair. I took a class with him at One More Cast a year or two ago and it's most impressive watching him work the razor blade. Tying with deer hair is one thing, but shaping them is a WHOLE 'nother thing!



    I agree on all counts.

    Dave Whitlock uses Flexament that has been diluted with Flexament thinner to water thin viscosity. The fly sucks it up like a sponge.

    Divers seem to me to work a bit better once they soak up some water. A rabbit strip diver has awesome action under water.

  7. Well done Mark.


    I learned by watching (and rewatching many times) Chris Helm's dvd. His little Brassie tool works really well and he's not shy about applying glue to those half-hitches between bundles. Adding the glue takes a little time but the result is the best way to maintain a tight pack.


    Next step: using different colors in bands or making the belly a different color than the "wing." Or, spots on a frog's back?


    You've sparked my interest in spinning some deer hair.....blast you Mark! It's been a good 6 months for me...time to break out the gel-spun and brassie.



    I figure 99% of the time spin fishing I have a topwater on, so I should learn to tie and cast these things. I have noticed deer hair casts better than other poppers and more importantly looks cooler.


    What kind of glue did he use? Skip Morris uses epoxy.

    He also uses rod building thread.


    Let me get this straight, he uses the glue to maintain a tight pack while tying? It would have to be fast drying.


    Which video do you have?

  8. Mark, have you got any pics of your work? To me, that's one of the most difficult ties, a nice looking deer hair bug or Dahlberg Diver.


    Yeah, you ain't kidding. I think I can tie a dozen or two buggers or Clousers in the time it takes to do one of these.


    this is the first deer hair fly I've tied in probably a year. Consider it a rough draft.

    (Sorry about the big file, editing software trouble)





    Been intentionally putting much more work into getting the deer hair portion right. Been using econo-hooks (Mustad 3366) and not getting to artsy-fartsy with the rest of the fly.



  9. Finally getting a chance to tie some flies.


    Tied my first deer hair bug in a while and made a major improvement on the first bug, thanks to some instruction from the Skip Morris DVD, "The Art of Tying the Bass Fly". My bugs were always fishable, and caught fish but they were always thin and ugly. The important concept that always got by me was that it's the half hitch between bundles, that HOLDS the packed hair back on the shank of the hook. Thats the secret to packing tightly. If you don't put a nice tight half hitch or two between bundles they just spring right back.

    Maybe it's justa problem unique me but I just thought I'd pass on the tip.


    The first fly came out hard as a rock. Of course I never learn.... there's a certain point to... Put the razor down. So nothings picture perfect...yet.


    and it's a good thing I'm not a barber.


  10. I was also highly impressed with the new Falcon Rods. Specifically the Original series. Beautiful rods. No frills, plain Fuji type real seat and a nice cork handle. Just a nice, light graphite rod...at a reasonable price. Well under a $100. And get this...made in the USA! Yes, we are still actually capable of manufacturing something at a reasonable price! I would say side by side these are every bit as nice as the ones made by St Croix overseas.

    The 5'9 light really caught my eye.

    I got to unload some rods on Ebay.


  11. Mark,

    Check out GLoomis selection of rod blanks.

    They offer 6-1/2 to 7ft, single and 2pc, rod blanks.


    GLoomis SR series are the trout and panfish rods. Great for light line angling.


    I had a 7ft 2pc IMX light action (1-power), made some years back,

    and had Euopean High-Foot-Eyes installed---(eliminates line slap).

    An awesome rod.


    You're welcome to review mine or try it out, if you like, before you decide.


    I had a 7ft UL rod, but it had too much bounce, for most of my casting presentations.

    It's good for float fishing, though.


    A 6-1/2ft UL is the max I've found most suitable for casting purposes.

    The SS700 fits perfect, using the slip-rings.


    Some brands of rod blanks are too soft and whippy.


    A higher modulus graphite would be better---

    like the GLoomis IMX or the St Croix Avid or their tournament series, are my top choices.


    If you're looking for greater sensitivity, I'd suggest the IMX.



    I'm with ya Ken. For this first rod, I'll probably stay cost effective. Sink more $ into the next one, figuring skills will only improve.

    doubtful that I can build one as nice as Loomis or St Croix. The new avids a REALLY sharp. I held a 6 10 ML Avid. Don't think you could make a better river smallie rod. Not sure what I would do different.


    I strapped for time this days with wee ones at home. I'd love to make it out to your shop but for me it's clear on the other side of the planet and I am totally freaking burned out on driving. If I am in the area, I will certainly stop over.


  12. Im a "budget fly fisherman". So yes cost is a factor. Id like to stay under 150 bucks. Thanks for all yalls help....this has got to be one of the best forums I have been to in a long time!!// :rolleyes::lol:



    Do you wet wade in summer?

  13. Interesting, Mark. What lenght? I would like to build an S glass fly rod 5 to 6weight.


    Not sure. maybe leaning more towards light than ultra light 6 1/2 foot 2 pc maybe. Short handle. 4lb mono, specifically to fit a Daiwa 700 SS.

    I'm not for sure whether longer would be better.

    Something good for panfish at Mazonia. Enough backbone to handle an occasional LM.


    That should be a one of a kind fly rod!





  14. Whats the best type waders to buy? Rubber or neoprine? and why? :huh::lol::ph34r:




    Both are torture in hot weather, in my opinion make fishing un-fun. In cold weather neoprene is far better than rubber. It hugs and conforms to your body. I once was wading with a guy in the Fox in like March or April. We both got swept into water up to our necks. We were next to an island. I grabbed some tree roots and him. We made it to shore. Yes it was freaking scary.

    I was wearing neoprene, he was wearing cheap canvas/rubber waders. I had 6mm Neoprene waders. He dumped out, literally a gallon, at least of water out of his. My socks were dry.

    Those waders were very warm. I once wore them in July in 90 degree heat, in the Kank because I had a cut and stiches on my leg. I fished about an hour before I started seeing oasis illusions. Afterwards I dumped out a gallon of so of sweat.

    I wore a friends pair of canvas covered rubber waders in Fall once. They were okay, but they are very stiff and far less comfy than mine.



    Are you even interested in breathables? Is cost a factor?

  15. Are you interested in a ISA rod building class? If so, what kind of rod would you build? We are thinking about a two session class with room for 6 or 8 members. Class would be taught at Coren's Rod & Reel with a fee of $50.00 plus cost of rod materials. Please post or pm me with interest or questions, if we can assemble a group soon that new rod could be ready to fish this spring. John

    I'm interested. I was thinking ultralight.

  16. Oh man, I am jealous.

    I lost a really nice snook and caught 14" jack cravelle that fought like a 3 lb smallie about 40 yards off that bridge but that was in May. I spent hours just walking around there, a kid in a candy store.

    A big manatee surfaced right near me. It was the size of a VW bug. We saw dolphins right in the shore, not 10 feet from us.

    I was wading that surf at the end a really big shark fin surfaced. One of the locals saw it and said it was probbably a hammerhead.

    Most of the locals i talked to had much higher standards. I always bring my smallie tackle and just use that. Personally, I am entertained to death catching anything salt water.

    Never caught anything huge, but the sheer novelty kept me entertained for hours. The last time we were there, i could not bring myself to leave. My wife literally had to drag me off that very beach . We almost missed our flight and my shoes were loaded with sand when I landed in Chicago.

    Eric M. stays out there too and knows that stretch. Both of us agree, taht would be an awesome place to live.

    ughh...I need a vacation.


  17. Mark, you are right, it's in Bonita Springs. I'm typing this sitting outside, wearing shorts, with the Gulf of Mexico lapping the shoreline just a few feet from my chair. 80 degrees the projected high today.

    I took this picture last night.





    Lovers key. A stones throw away. You can rent a yak or fish from shore. Not sure how its is this time of year, but certainly worth a try.

    Have a margarita for me.

  18. Go 3 or 4 piece if you can. The only disadvantage is minimal weight and price increase. 4 piece rods fold up SO much nicer for storage. I got in a habit of breaking my stuff down when I'm done. they have al kinds of cool gear bags for fly fishing. you can keep all your stuff neat and concise in a trunk or in the cab of a truck.

    If you fish a lot or need to have your stuff ready you can always leave it stashed in 2 pieces.


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