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Mark K

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Posts posted by Mark K

  1. I obviously shouldn't have made the first comment the way I did but I fail to see how saying someone is an idiot in my last comment for trying to destroy the environment is any different from saying something like "the douche baggery runs deep". I really don't see how saying that for trying to destroy the environment is political anyhow because it doesn't matter what party they're from if they do something to hurt our resources it's not good. I would say the exact same thing about someone throwing out garbage along the side of the road or leaving worm containers on the ground after fishing somewhere. Not trying to be political, just expressing frustration with what's happening but this isn't the place for that. That said Jim I'm sorry and will refrain from any venting going forward.


    I get where Jim and Scott are going. Some...most of the other fishing forums are trashy and nasty. You guys are relative new commers. A long time ago this forum and the club in a way evolved out of a "calm heads prevail" attitude and in general guys being reasonably respectful to each other. i personally had to get off Facebook, because I began to really dislike people I thought previously were pretty cool. You don't want that happening.

    Most of the guys I run into that label themselves as "sportsman" (WTF does that mean anyway??) also have "conservative". leanings. I have seen these guys in person sweat their asses off, as in hard physical work for the local environment. That's no lie. I kind of doubt that they like the idea of pollution happening and public lands disappearing.

    On the other hand, almost every single issue on here, most significantly the efforts to defund and dismantle the EPA and that would not be happening had the recent elections gone the way they did. It's also going thru with a level of speed and impunity, that is pretty amazing. it's that simple, and if you are surprised about it, then, plain and simple you have not been following politics, because this situation is a wet dream for some those guys and their contributors and they were not quiet about it. When you look at this objectively, they are really doing what they said they were going to.

    I guess you can "raise awareness" on these issues, but on a certain level, you really shouldn't dance around why they are happening. It's 100% politics and money and right now, it's a done deal. You can vent about it, but really it's going do be difficult to impossible to stop anything now.

  2. This is not supposed to be a political discussion. I'm sorry but forum rules do not allow us to use the forum to bash politicians. Laws concerning our environment are important topics for discussion but let's keep the opinions concerning those who make the laws off of here.


    It's a moot point.

    Sooner than later, you aren't going to have any environmental laws to discuss. Back to the old days, not all that long ago.




    I assume you meant Justice Kennedy, as Chief Justice Roberts isn't going anywhere for a long time. My feeling is that Kennedy will hang around long enough to mentor his young protege Gorsuch and then he might just step down now that he is more confident that the Trumster would in fact select another conservative. But I wouldn't bet on it because you don't often see justices step down because of the ego. Many felt that Ginsburg should have stepped down while O was in place to ensure her spot was filled with another more liberal judge. Didn't happen even with her failing health, hard to check that ego at the door. Ha

    No I was thinking Roberts. There were rumors flying around in the last month. I guess those have been put to rest. My bad.

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