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Norm M

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Posts posted by Norm M

  1. Mike.


    I remember the day you speak of. You were out with Dale posting a sign at an off the track spot that he didn't know about. We had a very nice and productive discussion of the state of the river and conservation efforts. We also discussed some of the major players and issues we had dealt with from our invidual perspectives. Shoot, Dale prolly could have got three or four columns out of that.


    I also remember the day Dale talks of and the picture he refers to. I was proving to him that it was possible to catch smallies in mid winter in water just above freezing on crankbaits. I took his picture with his brand new digital camera of him, the smallie and the crankbait. Due to my relationship with cameras of course it didn't load all the pixels, only I could screw up a digital camera.


    We decided to try for another bass and this time he would take the picture. He ended up catching a good sized carp twixt 12-15 lbs on the crankbait. I knelt down, leaned over the ice shelf and got the fish in and my crankbait that Dale was using back. Dale says, well you're already holding the fish and you aren't touching my new camera with those slimy hands, so he takes the picture. Of course it works perfectly and when he writes the article, there I am in all my glory holding a big carp for all to see in the pages of the Times.


    That picture was on the bulletin board at work for over two months. Beware of bearded guys named Dale with a wicked sense of humor.



    I also remember someone with the initials J.J. putting another picture of me holding a carp I caught on a tube in the Bronzeback Bulletin. I would guees that one was around 2000 or 2001.


    Pretty good memory for a guy whose wife writes come home at the bottom of the grocery list.

  2. Terry,


    I work 3-11 with Tuesday-Wednesday off. If there is an event I want to attend I can't get time off for, I'll go and spend as much time at it as my schedule allows. Everyone understands that sometimes life interupts fishing and you have to leave early.


    You can post a trip in the hooking up section and many times you'll get guys that are retired, have the day off or work the same schedule reply and join you.


    If you ever see me on line after work and you have a question, shoot me a PM.

  3. These posts are awesome,Glad you guys kept me in rememberance! The big question i have is who would i now hire as a guide in that area (Kish or Apple) if i needed a guide which i will this spring.... Yeah were moving back home see y'all soon!!


    P.S. Their kicking me out of North Carolina due to flooding problems...Yeah their blaming ME!LMAO

    Kevin "Stormcloud" Dells getting blamed for flooding, who would of thunk it. Get in touch when you get back and have time to range down my way.

  4. The Kankakee County Economic Alliance has started a new group called the Kankakee Round Table. I found about it at the Kankakee River Basin Commission meeting this month.


    It is a group of citizens, government and business that are going to find common ground and work for the benefit of the river. One thing that they hope to accomplish is putting a value on the river of what it means to our communities as a whole. That way we can go to the state and the feds and be able to say this is the economic benefit of the river that we stand to lose if we don't fix it. We will also attempt to educate the communities of the value of the river to all and hopefully get them to join in and ask for needed help to start fixing problems.


    This is seperate from the Kankakee River Basin Commission in that the KRBC is an IDNR C-2000[or whatever it will be called if funding is restored]partnership group and not allowed to participate in political lobbying and such. The KRBC rather is a conduit for funding projects that partner groups bring forth for the benefit of thier area.


    I have decided that I will attend as many meetings as my schedule allows. I have volunteered for two subcommittes, one involves public relations/community education and the other deals with recreational issues. So far as I know there has only been the initial meeting held to get the ball rolling so I'm pretty much getting in at the start of this iniative.


    Time will tell if it is successful but it is heartening to know that local government has decided to start this project. I feel that this is something that I must do for the river I love.


    On another front the battle for the proposed garbage dump may soon be over. If the Illinois Supreme Court decides the dumps proponets appeal is without merit than they will have run out of legal options. Kankakee County government is footing the bill[ I heard it might be $200,000 for this deal]. This would be great news as the proposed dump would be situated on a tributary of the river.


    So far no word on funding for projects or administrative costs for the KRBC or other partnership groups from the IDNR.

  5. Craig,


    Another fly to be featured in national magazines?




    I grew up in Cook County, fished a lot of green fish back in the day. Greenies, flies and Sox slander all in fun.


    Anything I say about the current state of the Bears though......

  6. Mike,


    Thank You for a job well done. You have been the best Conservation Director in the history of the ISA. You brought skills that surpassed what others had and a passion that met or exceeded those who preceded you.


    I hope someone is willing to step up and take over this rewarding if oft times challenging role. May someone see fit to keep the torch burning.


    I understand exactly where you are coming from Mike. There comes a time when you must do what is best for you. Once again, thank you for years of devotion to the cause.

  7. The ice returned to the river, rain mixed with snow made footing doubtful to treacherous on the river and parking places no piece of cake either. No fish, no injuries, no damage to car or equipment so I guess it wasn't all bad.


    Some days you just have to admit the forces of nature bested you.

    C'est la vie

  8. Lots of good stuff to digest, right now I have a killer headache from work so I'll try to formulate something coherent when it passes.


    Pushing the envelope on what is known about smallies is definitely one of my prime motivations in getting out in nasty conditions.

  9. They have posted notices that the gates will be locked on Christmas Day and New Year's Day at the Kankakee River State Park once again giving the IDNR folks time with thier families for the holidays.


    If you have an urge to get a Christmas or New Years fish, plan accordingly. There are still lots of places that don't have gates in the area.

  10. Thank you. Been making my travel calender for the year so my wife and I don't overlap on dates out of town. The trouble of having animals.


    More likely you're looking for a place to hide from the sheriff's posse. ;):P

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