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Dick G

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Posts posted by Dick G

  1. The Bolingbrook Bass Pro does a good job of printing up the stamps and supplying the adhesive sheets. They do not store your kayak information at the store. It all goes to the DNR, so you have to have your boat ID #, boat model and manufacturer names as well as the color of boat. They also use your fishing license to connect your information to the DNR.

  2. Mark, here is what I am trying to figure out. Let's say you want a Ducks Unlimited license plate. On the Secretary of State website it says the added cost for this plate is $40. It states that some of this money will go to Ducks Unlimited for their various projects. The proposed amendment seems to say that all fees collected will go only to the highway fund. Same goes for all the other specialty plates. For example if you get a plate promoting your favorite college, the website says that the extra fees will help provide scholarships to needy students. Will these organizations get to keep their cut of the fees? Wetland development and scholarships have nothing to do with highways.

  3. I first met Bob several years ago when I just started fishing for smallmouth in Illinois. I was wading Salt Creek in the Western Springs - Lagrange area when I noticed this strange looking boat coming near me. I was surprised to see a watercraft of any kind on this skinny, ecologically challenged body of water. I saw wires hanging in the water and two guys with big nets scooping up fish that were floating up to the surface. Bob saw me about the same time and apologized for shocking so close to me. I had already climbed up on a log and was out of harm's way. Bob told me where they were taking out and invited me to come and watch them catalogue the fish they had collected.

    I remember how impressed I was that Bob and his crew cheerfully did their job under trying circumstances with minimal good equipment. They had dragged that boat down a steep bank and navigated a log choked stretch of water in 90 degree heat. Everything from their boat, nets, collection buckets to the boat trailer looked pretty beat up. I think Bob made parts of the trailer himself. I asked if the state could buy them some better stuff and Bob just laughed. A true river warrior.

  4. It was a good turnout for the willow planting. A lot of flats of plants were embedded into the Fox River at prime locations. After a smokey start, a fine lunch of grilled hot dogs was enjoyed by all. A few even put KETCHUP on their dogs. Many did some fishing after lunch, and I am eager to hear how many fish were caught.

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  5. Congrats to all of the officers (old and new) and volunteers for putting on a great program again. It's always interesting how some tables get hot when the prize tickets are drawn. There were two tables that must have won about ten fishing poles between them. With all those sticks waving in the air, it looked like opening day on a crowded trout stream.

  6. Here are a few photos from this morning's presentation at the Urban Stream Research Center in Blackwell Forest Preserve. Jessi was kind enough to point out some areas on the DuPage River where some large tagged smallmouth like to hang out. A very informative session. Afterwards, a few ISA members went out to lunch and discussed some future fishing trips and ISA events.






  7. Friday show seemed pretty busy. We signed up a few new members, resigned some lapsed members and sold 2 Blowout tickets. The weekend crowds should be good with the mild weather and no major sporting events on tv. A lot of neat stuff to look at. There was a kayak that made me laugh. It was loaded with so much stuff that it must have weighed a couple hundred pounds. It looked like the Moby Dick of kayaks.

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