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Jim J

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Posts posted by Jim J

  1. So I have a business meeting with a guy named Steve Rogers.


    He spent 6 years doing a show for the Outdoors Channel and writes for something called Into the Outdoors.


    I brought him some ISA magazines and told him I used to be pres etc.


    He said he was asked to speak (and did) at what he thinks was a Blowout but isn't sure since it was so long ago


    He said a number of people were there with prizes etc.


    Anyone remember this?


    I think I was in the third or so Blowout so this was before me so I'm just really curious.

  2. From Debbie Bruce former head of fisheries for il




    You all have seen and written articles about not voting for The Safe Roads - Lockbox - Amendment, but what most don't know is that if it passes, it will undo what so many worked so hard for: The Sustainability Bill for Illinois Department of Natural Resource! This will be devastating to IDNR and particularly Division of Fisheries. This is a potential loss of $30 to $40 Million Dollars. Most also do not know that because of the lack of a State Fiscal Year 2016 Budget and only a stopgap budget for the rest of calendar year 2016, IDNR lost all the Federal Fiscal Year 2016 Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Funds (Pittman Robertson/Dingle Johnson Federal Funding) and is in danger of losing Federal Fiscal Year 2017 funding!
    It is troubling that all IDNR Spokespersons can say, is that they will review impacts after the Amendment passes.
    Lawmakers have indicated to some, that they will pass legislation for implementation of the Lockbox Amendment to clarify what counts as transportation revenue and spending. Some backers have said that this will apply to a narrow set of revenue sources, and not to specialty license plates. There is no guarantee on that and the legislation could be legally challenged and struck down by the Illinois Supreme Court.
    See the attached Center for Municipal Finance Commentary.
    Please share the Vote No information.
    Thank You,
    Debbie Bruce
    Retired Fish Chief, Illinois Department of Natural Resources
  3. I own 3 coosas and had a few more as i was on the team.


    i prefer the Coosa over the HD if you're considering the Jackson line.


    its not just the weight when considering.


    all the ones you mentioned are incredibly stable with the ability for standing if you'd like.


    its all the issues that go with weight like awkwardness, quickness to get set and fish, car topping or trailer which I've done both of and love the trailer.


    This is also about your style of fishing. Lots of tackle, rods and stuff or minimalist. Long floats and maybe camping or quick hitters.


    for instance eric and I have totally different approaches to our styles. Eric was on Jackson but decided it wasn't his style and went to a much lighter, minimal style boat.


    i am in Mexico but will be around later in the week if you'd like to talk.


    lots more regarding standing etc.


    overall getting a kayak gives you much more access to fish...

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