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Jonn Graham

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Posts posted by Jonn Graham

  1. Flymen fishing company has come out with another great product.............the fish mask. I got ahold of some and went to work. They make them in many different sizes. I got a pack of the smaller ones for smallie flies and a larger size for Muskie flies. They really do a nice job of finishing off the head of a fly. Pair the mask with the great eyes from Flymen and you have a really neat product.








    You can check out the fish masks here:





    All these cool mornings have really got me thinking about Muskies.

  2. By the way, forgot to include that the blue and yellow you see in the flies are created with markers. The head is covered with Clear Cure Goo. One layer of CCG brushable and then a light coat of CCG Hydro to take away the tackiness. The fly is unweighted, but the small amount of CCG on the head provides just enough weight for the fly to work down about a foot below the surface.

  3. Here are a couple of pics of the flies that have been effective for me of late. I have noticed gizzard shad schools in the river. In addition, I had a few smallies cough up fresh shad upon being caught. The pictures of the flies are kinda crappy. The flies look much better in person or in the water. The following are two flies that represent the same thing, but use slightly different materials.






    The above flies utilize the following:


    1. bucktail and flash out the back

    2. Ice fur in front of the tail to provide a transition and bulk to support the head material

    3. Head created by palmering XLarge Cactus Hackle.

    4. 1/4 eyes lightly covered in CCG


    Below are pics of another gizzard shad imitator. Basically the same as the one above, but uses different material to create the head. The different head material does give this fly a slightly different shape and is a little more 3-d.








    The biggest change in the above flies is the use of Baitfish Emulator Flash palmered to make the head. After palmering, you can easily take scissors and shape the fly as you wish. Baitfish Emulator Flash is really neat material.

  4. Everyone has their own style and urges to either stay at a spot for longer or move on. Over the years I have fished with countless other anglers. I have never seen two anglers who move at the same speed. Slow or fast, does not matter. It all depends on what makes you most comfortable. I would have to say that I tend to move faster than most. Usually, the river we are fishing is a river I know well. Since I know it well, and know what is up ahead, I usually move at a fair speed.


    Plus, I am totally a type A individual. Many people (including my wife) have indicated that when I am walking, I move as if I am powered by a motor.

  5. I agree with Mike A. They have their place. I have owned one for a few years now and enjoy it. The neat part about this rod is its little need to do any false casting. Cast out the fly, work it, pick the line up and go right back out.................pretty neat.

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