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Jonn Graham

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Posts posted by Jonn Graham

  1. I got a call from this researcher out in New York. I plan to attend if I can.



    This is Selmin Creamer and I am the Postdoc Research Associate at the Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University. I just wanted to follow up on our phone conversation. Below is the focus group details.


    Cornell University will be conducting a focus group in Peoria, IL, as part of a study funded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to assess the potential economic impacts of aquatic nuisance species (ANS) on recreational fishing in the Great Lakes and Upper Mississippi River basins. We will be recruiting 10 to 12 recreational anglers to participate in the focus group. We are looking for participants who fish at inland lakes and/or rivers at least sometimes, although they may fish in other locations, too.


    Anglers who participate in the focus group will be asked a series of open-ended questions about how they make decisions about where to fish, what species to target, what fishing techniques to use, etc., and how their behavior might change if fishing quality decreased in response to ANS. Focus group will last approximately two hours, and participants will be offered a $25 Visa gift card and a light meal.


    The focus group will be held between 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm on November 15, 2011.


    If you are interested in participating or you know someone who may want to participate, please let me know via e-mail or phone based on your convenience. We really appreciate your help as we are trying to gather the focus group as quickly as we can.


    Thanks for your time and consideration in advance.



    Selmin Creamer

    Postdoctoral Research Associate

    Department of Natural Resources

    Cornell University

    Ithaca, NY 14853





    They have around 6 anglers already signed up, but wish to have around 12. If you are interested, you can email Selmin through the address at the bottom of his sign off.

  2. Reminds me of a time a few years ago when I was fishing for cold water smallies on the Mack. Water temp was 39 degrees and I tripped on a log on the bottom of the river and went head first into the drink. Water so cold it felt like someone punched me in the chest. Dumb me refused to go home and stayed on the river wet. After an hour or so I could not stop shaking and finally realized how stupid I was and went home. Took a large coffee and multiple blankets to stop my shaking.

  3. John:


    Not getting KMOX on the dial was a problem for dad and I also. We lived in NW IL and the signal varied. We would often drive around out in the country looking for that perfect hill where we could hear the game. Then we would just pull over, eat some food, and listen to the whole game.....................times I will never forget. I don't think kids have the patience to listen to a whole game anymore. I know my son can watch a game on TV, but he could not make it one inning on the radio.

  4. Harry broadcasting for the cards is a little before my time, but my dad and I used to sit outside in the yard and listen to Jack Buck each and every day and night. My dad does have records (lps) of the 1964 and 1967 season when Jack and Harry were at the mike. It is very cool to listen to those records when you can find a working record player. When Jack passed, my mother called me and asked if I was handling it ok. Jack is one of my idol's. I am very dissapointed that my son, Jack, will never have the pleasure of listening to Jack call a game on the radio.

  5. Since it looks like fly fishing will be a big part of my life for a long time, it is time for me to learn how to identify some of the hatches I see occur from time to time on my home river. I have seen, at times, the smallie slurping the bugs, but I have no idea what kind of bug they are. The "not knowing" part is killing me. Can someone direct me to a website that shows good pictures of the bugs that hatch in the Midwest?


    I know there are probably many, many great books that I could buy, but my book budget is already spent. A website would be better..............thanks.

  6. I don't think charlie means to cut them flush with the back of the eye. I would just cut the post so both posts are relatively flat and then glue the posts together with with Loctite ultra gel. When you are done, your eyes should look like dumbell eyes. Then you can wrap them on the hook with the figure eight thread motions.

  7. I too would like to know where the contaminants are coming from? I have been fishing this river hard for about 10 years. I used to do all my fishing from Streator to Red, White and Blue bridge. Years ago the fishing was outstanding and then it dropped off quickly. Now I rarely fish that stretch of river. I have talked with the state about the decline and they have noticed the same thing when shocking that stretch of river. I wonder if there was a fish kill in that stretch. Or maybe the Asian Carp do have something to do with the decline? Sure would like to figure something out.

  8. Dana:


    The pvc tube allows for a second rod to be carried in the 3rd grip. If you have one of the old models you would not have that capability. The newer models have the standard place for the one rod and then an angled, long pocket that the PVC tube fits into to allow for the second rod. I think you have the first model, which needs no PVC as you already have a hard, black tube section that has already been attached.

  9. Yes, with adding a short section of PVC tube, you can actually carry three rods. One in your hand and two in the 3rd grip..............I know, I know.........you think it has to be a hassle with three rods..............well, it is not. Don't knock it until you try it. In addition, if you purchase the fly rod adapter, you can carry two fly rods at the same time while wading.

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