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Jonn Graham

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Everything posted by Jonn Graham

  1. Last night I sat at home thinking of how I could create something for the fly rod. I wanted a bottom bait that would be much like a tube jig, but still not exactly the same as a tube. Here is what I came up with: What I did is take a standard 90 degree jig hook and first wrapped one or two lead suspend dots on the hook shank. Then I tyed on Artic Fox hair right in front of where the hook bend is. Next I tied in the silicone legs up closer the hook eye. Lastly, I took a 2.75 inch tube and cut the tails off. Then I took the tube body and slipped it onto the hook shank by pushing the bottom of the tube over the eye of the hook and then slid it down and poked the eyelet through the plastic. I don't know if you can really call this a fly or not, but I do think it will catch some serious river bronzebacks. Now I have to cast it and see if I have added too much weight or not. Gonna try it out tonite after work.
  2. Looks about 3.5 to 4 pounds to me.
  3. Last night I was playing at the vise working in making my own clousers. I do not have any lead eyes and was wondering what I would use to weight the clouser? Then I had an idea. I have quite a few of Storm's lead suspend dots. They are round, sticky lead weights used to go on jerkbaits. They are pliable and I figured I could wrap them on the shank of the hook before tying the fly. Tried them out last night and they did wrap well on the hook shank. Totally hidden after the fly is tied. Anyone else ever try this? Are there any problems.
  4. Have not got the flies yet. Boy, I cannot wait to get them. Thanks again for sending them.
  5. Here are a couple of topwater flies I have come up with. The first one is a popper with lots of attraction value. I call it the Graham Pop: The next one is a take off on the Sneaky Pete. I call it the Slippery Sam. You will notice mine has some feathers, craft hair, and the legs tied behind the body. They are not perfect, but I think Mr. Bronzeback will take a liking to them.
  6. Jim: Just got my stitches out yesterday. I have already been fishing a few times. Fly fishing is still hard on my hand as the cork handle rests right against the incision. Casting and spinning reel/rod combos are ok. Let me know when we are going.
  7. I got a Redington platinum colored CD reel. Regular price is $130. I was able to get the reel with backing and Rio Mainstream line shipped to my door for $95. Could not pass it up. Very nice reel. Might be a little too fancy for a neophyte fly fisherman like myself.
  8. Ron made a good point - big smallies have tougher mouths than their smaller brethren.
  9. Sounds like Chevy Chase's problem in European Vacation........................."I can't get left"! Seriously though have you tried to use your hips when setting the hook to the left? This might sound funny, but I have noticed that many times for me setting the hook is not just done with arms and wrist, I also swing my hips away from the fish upon hook set. Works for home run hitters, why not anglers?
  10. Trout...............what are those? I no longer need a five weight reel. Got a sweet deal from my online dealer in Ohio. A deal no flyfisherman could pass up.
  11. I only took the Vicodin for the first 24 hours after surgery. Have not taken one now for days. Don't need them as my wrist/hand has very, very little pain. I am ready to start casting.
  12. WOW! You mean to tell me there is not a fly fisherman out there who is in need of a new five weight reel and does not want to sell their old one??? Fly fishermen must hold on to their stuff forever.
  13. That Cabelas reel looks mighty fine. Problem is the $$$ is a little tight right now at home due to my wife having her job eliminated. I was hoping to find an ISA member that had a used reel they did not use anymore and would like to unload it for a good price. Hopefully somebody can help me out (hint hint). My five weight rod is looking for a companion.
  14. I am looking for a 5 weight fly reel to go along with my new 5 weight rod. I would prefer a reel that is gold or silver in color. I cannot afford new right now, so if anyone has a nice shiney, used reel that they want to unload at a fair price, please let me know. I am not partial to any brand or type. thanks.
  15. As far as I know, there is no arthoscopic surgery for Carpal Tunnel. My surgeon made no mention of this. I had the incision method and so has everyone i have ever talked with. I wish it could have been arthroscopic................heck I might have been fishing in days.
  16. MY Gander Mountain in Peoria had no fly reels as nice as the ones you are speaking of.
  17. Just had to get out of the house after my surgery. Though I cannot drive, I talked the wife into taking my to Gander Mountain in Peoria. While perusing the store, I noticed some fly rods on clearance. After talking with the sales guy, he told me that even the St. Croix Reign fly rods were 50% off the sale price. My mouth began to water. I was able to get a St. Croix Reign 5 weight rod for $50. Heck it even came with a hard case. Definitely made my day. The retail price is $130.
  18. My surgery on my carpal tunnel syndrome was complete by noon on Friday. I understand now what the doc says about two to three weeks until I can resume casting. Little more pain than expected. Taking my Vicodin and watching Brett Favre videos. For the first time in my life, I am glad it is raining buckets outside. Even if I was healthy enough to fish, the rivers are so messed up what would be the point. Can't believe I am saying this, but........................LET IT RAIN!!!!
  19. Ron: You are right about the use of the elbow and not the wrist. Problem is, according to the Dr., is the act of gripping anything like a fly rod. He does not want me to grip anything for at least two weeks. I really think fly fishing is out for that time period............unless I can try to fly fish left handed. Upon further thought....................that would probably be a disaster. I am going to have to just grin and bear it.
  20. Bill: The Dr. says I should be able to do most things right away...........except casting. I do think I may be able to continue making jigs. Will have to test it to find out.
  21. Thanks for the information Greg. I think I will go with your suggestions for now. Guess I will have to start learning my knots. Who said I was down for the season?! I plan to be fly fishing in no more than three weeks after my surgery. That puts me fishing right during the prime fall bite in mid October.
  22. I have thought about the "lefty" thing. May have to try practicing in the yard tonite.
  23. I would like more information on furled leaders. It seems they would be great as there is a loop on the end to tie your leader material. I know one fly fisherman who likes them. What are the advantages/disadvantages? I know they are expensive but it seems they would last a long time due to the fact that you can just keep continually adding leader material? What do you experts think?
  24. Well, I guess I just have fished too much the last twenty or so years. On Friday I am getting carpal tunnel surgery. My right hand has been bothering me for over a year now. Very uncomfortable as my hand goes to sleep while fishing. Fly fishing is twice as bad on my hand as regular spin/cast fishing. Very Annoying! A neurologist checked me out by shocking my nerves (very unpleasant by the way) and confirmed that I have carpal tunnel in my right wrist. The surgeon will fix the problem on Friday. Surgeon says no casting for two to three weeks. Abiding by this is going to be tough. I am sure that I will probably start trying to cast in a week or so. Wish me luck. I will not be a happy human for awhile, so disregard any nasty or grumpy things I say online.
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