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Jonn Graham

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Posts posted by Jonn Graham

  1. I have a new swim jig color pattern that I think I am going to add to my lineup. This jig will make its debut at the Shabbona event this Saturday. Only problem is I cannot think of a name for this pattern. I figured someone here could help me out. Here are three pics of the jig:










    The jig has a pumpkin brown head with a little junebug paint sprinkled on top. The skirt consists of orange on the bottom with green pumpkin and light, Carolina blue sides and two colors of green on top of the jig with a little bit of purple skirt on the top as well.


    It looks like a "killer" pattern to me. Post your name selection below and after a few days I will announce the winner. Winner receives some free goodys from yours truly.



  2. Here are a couple of Hairy Fodders I tied last night using Polar Chennile instead of cross cut rabbit. I really like that Polar Chenille.






    If the body of the fly looks to bulky, keep in mind that the polar chennile upon getting wet does flatten out and makes a nice, sleek, aerodynamic body. The one thing I would like to change is to use a 60 degree hook like Craig does. I just did not have any the proper size on hand last night.


    Looks like I will be able to field test it this weekend. Since I know the fish are going to be deep where I will be fishing, I will be fishing it on my sink tip. Either the 4 ips or the 7 ips. Fishing it slow should elicit some action...........I hope. I have not caught a smallie on the fly rod in quite some time. :(

  3. After a few years of tying swim jigs, here are three colors that have been productive and seem to catch the eye of the fisherman as well:




    The above jig is called the "BullGill". The head is powder painted Junebug on top with a little orange on the bottom. The skirt has almost every color a male bluegill exhudes. Also,there are a few strands of orange skirt on the bottom. This color is very popular and is my go-to "dark color".




    The above jig is relatively new. It is called the Blue Shad. The skirt is quite cool as it looks silverish, but when in sunlight, it exhibits a blue pearl color. Very popular clear water color. While the head looks like it is not painted, it is powder painted with a silver clear coat. I think it matches the skirt quite well.





    This last jig has it all. I call it "Heartland Craw". Matter of fact, the company where I get my skirts liked the name so well, that he named the skirt "Heartland craw" as well. This jig has a green pumpkin head with a little orange under neath. The skirt contains three colors blended together. Two shades of green pumpkin and a little chartreuse. Really cool dark, bottom dwelling color.


    Of course, one color I left off, that is also popular, is my silver shad color. This jig has a white head with a white skirt that has silver glitter plastered on the skirt. Good all around color scheme.

  4. My outdoor fishing shed, also known by a few of my buddies as Graham Mart, is getting awful full. Time to get rid of some stuff so I can walk safely through the shed. So, I went through a bunch of boxes of soft plastics and here is what I came up with for sale. Each box or group of baits will be sold together. If the baits come in a box, the box is included in the price. Here we go.............



    Box #1


    First box is a bunch of 4-5 inch plastic worms. Various manufacturers. Some have twister tail ends, some do not. Here is a photo of the box:




    Price = $6



    Box #2 - Lizards. This box contains a bunch of lizards. Most are 4 inches long, but a few may be longer. Below is the photo:




    Price = $6




    Box #3 - Finesse spider grubs. Now these baits are hard to get ahold of. Gene Larew makes these small, finesse hula grubs. They measure from 2-3 inches long and come in some great colors. Quite a few in the box:






    Price = $10



    Box #4 - French Fry Worms. Tons of 4 inch fry worms. Almost all of them are Zoom brand and a great selection of colors. Pic below:





    price = $12



    Box #5 - Creature Baits. This box is full of some real dandy baits. Case Madtoms, Zoom Brushhogs in two sizes, and various other creature-type plastics. Take a look:






    Price = $12




    Box #6 - Reapers & Helgies. Nice box with a selection of 3 inch reapers and Helgies from Case and Lunker city. Heavy on the reapers.





    Price = $12



    Grab Bag of plastics #1 - 12 bags of plastics. Various makes and models:



    Price = $10



    Grab bag of plastics #2 - 12 bags of plastics. Various makes and models:



    Price = $10





    That's it...............for now. It seems that Graham Mart is constantly expanding ;) If you are interested in any of the above baits, email me at grahamj@district87.org. We will work out shipping charges upon sale. Thanks.

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