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Jonn Graham

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Posts posted by Jonn Graham

  1. I have no doubts that the floods of 2008 and 2009 are a big player in how crappy my catch rate has been the last two years. When you total up my guide trips and the trips to the river by myself and friends and they all essentially suck, something is up.


    Keep in mind that these trips were basicaly split 50/50 fly fishing and conventional tackle. When I fish spinning rod, I cannot get any numbers, and when I fly fish the same thing happens..........the fish just simply are not there.

  2. James:


    Very interesting as I am finding the exact opposite - fewer fish and all are small.


    Fishing pressure due to unemployment has no bearing on the population of smallies in my neck of the woods. I rarely see anyone fishing the streams that I frequent.




    You bring up a good point concerning the baitfish. I must admit that I don't see the schools of baitfish that I used to see. In years past it was commonplace to see schools of minnows in the shallows nearly everywhere you looked.

  3. No doubt that spawning just did not take place the last two springs. But where are all the larger bass? If they moved downstream during high water, they would have moved back to their haunts by now.........I would think. What I think happened is we had so many floods during different seasons, and each high water event lasted so long, that many of the bass just simply perished as they were not able to feed effectively or were not able to counteract such long periods of high current flow. I know it seems hard to believe that a river smallie could not take high water periods, but what else could it be. The habitat has not changed and is far as I know I have not had any "fish kills" due to chemicals or anything like that.


    Problem is no one will ever know. The fish are gone.

  4. They are definitely down in the Mack and Vermillion rivers. When it comes to the Vermillion, the Dnr sampled it last year and noticed lower numbers as well. They are sampling the Mack this year. I don't think it has anything to do with habitat destruction or human encroachment, it all revolves around 2008 and 2009 being two of the wettest years on record. At least that is my opinion and the opinion of others who have more expertise than me.

  5. Marabou and hair jigs are most effective when water temps are below 50 degrees. This time of the year you would be MUCH better off fishing something different. Hair jigs are designed to be worked very slowly around or on the bottom during those cold water periods.

  6. In my opinion, every catch n release angler should not feel any "shame" for catching and keeping a trophy smallmouth. I have heard the same thing about "true" trophy sized smallies being past their spawning prime. Sometimes we anglers need to remember that the fish do not live forever. If you catch a trophy you have to figure that fish does not have much of a life left. Better to be on the wall than floating dead down the river and becoming raccoon food.


    Now, I know that someone is going to reply with the standard, get a replica mount. Replica mounts are fine, but very expensive. If an angler can afford a replica mount, that is great and the angler can release that once in a lifetime catch. Other anglers may not be able to afford a replica mount, or maybe just plain does not want one. There is nothing wrong with keeping a trophy smallie for the wall as long as it is a true trophy like the length you are spieaking of.

  7. I have an 8 weight, 9 foot Redington Crosswater fly rod I wish to sell. Only been used a few days. It is a 2 piece rod and comes with divided rod sock. For someone who wants to give smallie fly fishing a try, this is a great starter rod as it can throw big and small flies well. $60 shipping included.

  8. The pearl fly will sink very, very slowly without the cone head. This could be good in many situations. In addition, the fly absorbs little or no water. I am fairly sure it could be cast on a five weight rod.


    The other fly (the one with rabbit and body fur) does not cast too awfully bad even though it has quite a bit of rabbit on it.

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