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Posts posted by Eric

  1. Fun topic and nice posts. Here are a few of mine...


    1. Catching a brute smallie in a downtown area and having a passerby give you a thumbs-up or that "holy shit!" look, as if they had no idea fish like that existed in the river.


    2. Catching a big smallmouth that is an absolute perfect specimen and you feel as if you're the first angler to tangle with it in its lifetime.


    3. Having a child say, "Look mommy, he's fishing!!!" with absolute joy when you're spotted with rod and reel in hand.


    4. When someone asks, "Catch anything?" and you reply, "Yeah, a few smallmouth." and they give you a dissapointed look because all they heard was the word "small."


    5. Topwater.


    6. When a smallie crushes a spinnerbait so hard it nearly pulls the rod from your hands.


    7. High water dabblin' and having a ridiculously easy time plucking smallies from the river.


    8. Releasing a smallie and getting a facefull of water as a goodbye.


    9. Seeing other smallies trying to get the lure from a hooked smallmouth.


    10. Double smallie catches when fishing with a partner, especially when doing a float trip.


    11. Any float dunk in cold weather that yields a bronzeback.


    12. Getting thanked by your child a half-dozen times on the way home for taking them smallie fishing.

  2. Some really nice comments. Ryan, nice post and would like to hear from you more often!


    Considering Terry's situation on the Kish and Kilbuck, a smaller sit-in is very affordable, lightweight, easy to load / unload and transport. You can drop in just about anwhere with ease and enjoy the boat. Perfect for hit-and-run type fishing and exploring small waters. Leave the waders at home. Keep stealth and stay in the kayak. Some slop boots are perfect for shallow put-in / take-out and you're done. Easy on your budget without all the bells and whistles marketed towards anglers -- most of which are "nice to haves" but rarely "must haves."


    Sit on tops are nice and comfy but there is also added weight to lift and push. You're also higher and if it's windy, it can be tough.


    Your budget is going to determine a lot. I think a 10.5' sit-in between $500 - $700 is enough for most situations around here. Also consider the cost of any additional equipment needed for transport, storage, a life vest, paddle and anchor.


    It's always good to test paddle before you buy. See what feels comfortable, especially if you have any back issues. You might rule-in / rule-out either style quickly. The best boat is the one you'll actually use!

  3. Wish I could find a hole on the Fox that was 48"+ and had slack water. Very tough.


    Experimenting with the depth setting is par for the course, especially in an area that allows it!


    In unfamiliar areas, start off moderate and work deeper. The worst thing you can do is to be set ultra deep and snag on your first cast.


    Keep at it. You'll find 'em.


    Added: It's important to remember that the float-n-fly is NOT the be-all, end-all technique for cold(er) water smallmouth. Don't abandon tubes, suspending jerkbaits, etc., if the f-n-f is not working for you. We've had consistently mild weather and the fish may have taken other presentations. One dunk from a fish you didn't see is tough to draw any solid conclusions from.

  4. The ISA promotes catch and release sport fishing as well as safe fish handling. Photos of fish on the ground are discouraged. Members and forum registrants are going to slip up once in a while, and a simple PM is all that's needed as a reminder. Rob is an ISA officer so he is obligated to set a good example and convey the ISA's high standard. We don't want new members seeing pics of fish on the ground and thinking it's an acceptable practice.

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