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Strategies for Stream Smallmouth

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I have a copy of Smallmouth Strategies (North American Fishing Club 1990).


I'd be happy to loan it to you.


....I see that's not the one you're looking for...but you can still borrow it if you like.


Shoot me a PM



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For those of you who missed it, the ISA put together a collection of smallmouth articles into a small book called "Strategies for Stream Smallmouth" a few years ago and printed off 100 copies. Almost all of the articles had been printed in the newsletter before, we just compiled them all into one place. Maybe we'll have a few more printed up in a year or two.

It's a little expensive to do a small run. Maybe we can do it as a PDF and make it available as a download off the web site.

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I'd certainly like to be able to download a copy.


Scott have you looked at any of the self publishing services (like www.booksurge.com). If the book is already finished, it might be fairly inexpensive to set up. They print each book as it's ordered, so there's not a huge upfront cost. Maybe they even have programs for non-profit organizations.

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