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It's Our River Day Events 2007- Follow-Up

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September 15-16 is the target weekend for this year's events, though these dates are flexible if you can come up with a project of your own you'd like to get done.

All we ask for is lots of photos and a short synopsis afterward.


As part of our continued support of It's Our River Day, we'll be showing up at various watersheds for an hour or so of picking up trash and sign postings, followed by fishing and fellowship.

Please feel free to adopt a river and put a group together.....even if it is only a handful of volunteers.

These clean-ups are open to the public, so pass the word.

What better way to introduce a friend to the ISA than to get them started volunteering to help make a difference?


Keep posted here, or on the Calendar for specific events for this weekend.


Here is a start:



Kankakee River (Warner Bridge parking area, north side of the river)



September 15

8:30 a.m.



One hour of light trash pick up followed by fishing and fellowship.

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I'd like to thank each and every member that participated in our 2007 It's Our River Day events this weekend.

We managed to spread our efforts among numerous watersheds in our 3 regions and incorporate them into our fishing activities. As it is important that we exhibit our undying commitment to conservation, we also understand the importance of enjoying the fruits of our labor when the work is complete. The ISA is very fortunate to have such a dedicated group of anglers, and our work through the years is really starting to show among our rivers.



The Kankakee River clean-up:




The NIAA provided a quick bite in the State Park:



Our signs are still looking good and serving their purpose of educating anglers:



Our Central Region gets in on the action between fishing and fellowship:




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