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West Branch Dupage planting 9/25

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Come help on Saturday 9/25/21  Start time 9am as we plant 600 plants on the west branch Dupage at Warrenville. Bring gloves & waders. We are working with Jesse Demartini FPDDC & head of the Urban stream research center at Blackwell. 

Plants are native streamside including:

Rose mallow, lizard tail, water willow, sweet flag& blue flag iris. 

Lunch afterwards at the Town Tap.



John. The map on the link is Warrenville.  Everyone can park along Second St. (2nd St.) which is  east of the river and next to the Warrenville Museum and Historical WarrenTavern.  We will be planting  along  the east and west sides of the river upstream of the Warrenville bridge and also downstream of the bridge in various areas. Ill meet you there ( by the museum building) around 8:45am and we can transfer the plants  and other items  (water, gloves, etc.)into my truck.  I will then drive the truck along the trail closer to the river with the  equipment ( dibble bars, etc. ) and plants.  When done, maybe we can have a bite to eat at the Town Tap...  Jess

 Post or pm me if you can help. We will have lunch afterwards. This should be an easy one, cool temps & low water levels. Bring waders & gloves.

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We had near perfect weather and a great turnout for Saturday's water willow planting on the DuPage River near the Warrenville Road Bridge in Warrenville.  We planted over 600 native water plants along both shores of the river in an area upstream and downstream of the bridge.  Following the planting all participants joined together at Al's Pizza for a well deserved meal and social gathering. This planting was somewhat special in that it is the last planting that Jessie DiMartini will preside over as she is retiring after many years with the Dupage  County Urban Stream project.  Many thanks to Jessie for your help on Saturday and for all the volunteer work you helped us with over the years.  We plan to honor Jessie's service and retirement at an upcoming ISA event in the near future  Thank you John Lobach for putting this together and  to all the ISA volunteers and friends that showed up on Saturday to do this arduous  but significant work!







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