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DuPage fly fishing

Michael T

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I hit the DuPage yesterday and found this section of water quite murky and cold. I decided to throw top water for the heck of it and went with a newly-spun deer hair bumble bee popper. Ironically, after a 1/2 dozen casts, I noticed a real bumble bee floating downstream sqirming in the water. I wondered how long he's been traveling and how long he'll last. When I lost sight of him and nothing had even taken a strike at him......I took that as a sign to switch to a streamer.


I tyed on a black leech type pattern and caught a nice fat 14 incher. Another one about the same length but slimmer took my Mohawk Minnow. 2 river smallies on the fly at this time of the year isn't too shabby. Once the wind picked up and it did with some force, I called it a day.

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You must have some real insight to God cause he sent you that message and told you to change lures if you wanted to catch some of his Smallmouths.

Michael is totally in tuned to the lower Dupe, I watched him catch a fat 14" smallie(I thought is was at least 15") in 35 degree air temp with 25 MPH winds. Our waders iced up walking back to the truck.

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