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For Sale: Redington Link 10wt Fly Rod - Musky Salmon Stripers

Tim A

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I've got a Redington Link fly rod, 10 weight, 4 piece, lightly used in saltwater, perfect size for musky, pike, and salmon around the Midwest or stripers, tarpon, permit in saltwater.


MSRP was $375

I'm asking only $200


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Cant speak for Tim, cause I've only cast them very little. I know our guide up in Hayward uses these and the Predator rods in 8-10 wt for Musky and smallies, he seemed to like them. Ryan

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I think it's a nice rod. It's great looking, not heavy, durable (they've reinforced the ferrules with a graphite weave) and not a terribly stiff fast action. It's by no means a broomstick. It was fun to throw an intermediate line on for salty critters. I could just use some extra scratch right now or I might not have posted it for sale. It was a tough call.


Dropping the price to $190


PS. thanks for the info, Ryan.

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